MIS2101 Section 702 – Amy Lavin – Spring 2014

Anna M Dabkowska

Evolving Internet helps Clarabridge improve customer-feedback business

The article talks about the Reston-based firm (Clarabridge), which culls Web sites, customer service phone calls and social-media sites to help companies make sense of customer feedback. Clarabridge leverage technology and industry specific best practices to listen, analyze,and measure the voice of the customer in real-time; all the time to help companies to truck customers feedback about their products. Because Social media continues to be a critically important customer-feedback channel, Clarabridge helps protect the name and the brand of products.

Some questions to think about

1Do you think that social media is one of the main sources that could possibly damage a company’s reputation?

2 If you had a small business would you employ Clarabridge to help you manage any negative feedback about your product?

3Today when the types of things that people want to do with the data get more diverse and information  rapidly spreads across the world, do you think that information systems managements are able to control social media’s effects on businesses?


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