MIS 2101 Sec 001 – Adam Alalouf – Fall 2018

Monthly Archives: October 2018

Quantum Computing

A great question was asked about quantum computing today, and this just appeared in my inbox earlier this morning. While this will not be on the exam (!!!) I am sharing it in case you want to understand a bit more about bits and qubits. 

The Long Tail

Read the best article about the long tail by Chris Anderson, an expert who has written extensively about the subject. The article was first published on Wired magazine and is linked here

Who’s Online
Profile picture of Nikitha Arramada
Profile picture of Jeremy Shamai
Profile picture of Olivia Scheuer
Profile picture of Clarissa Simms
Profile picture of Rajvir Singh
Profile picture of Thomas Hoang
Profile picture of Seonjong Kim
Profile picture of Evangelos Kamariotis
Profile picture of Olivia Taboada
Profile picture of Yousef Ismaeil
Profile picture of Laurel Miller
Profile picture of Jasmine Kermisch
Profile picture of Jennifer Zheng
Profile picture of Sneha Ramady
Profile picture of Jacob Andrien