Almost done! We’ve done a lot of work this semester… and we can wind down with this last unit, which reviews topics that are tangential securing digital infrastructure, but covered in more detail in other program courses. We can look at these various topics, and relate back to how they affect topics we covered earlier in the course.
We will look at risk, and how that effects infrastructure, our design decisions, and management of infrastructure security. We will also look at the various laws and regulations that we would need to be aware of in managing our digital infrastructure, and how these can affect how we secure our infrastructure.
This week’s topics:
- IT Security Supporting Mission, Goals and Objectives
- Risk Management
- Security Management
- Personnel Security
- Computer Crime
- Incident Response
- Investigations
- Computer Forensics
- Professional Ethics
In this unit, plan to:
- Read: pages 809- in the Network Security text
- Read: pages 2-22, 220-246 in the Security Essentials text
- Participate: in the weekly discussion forum