WebEx Link: https://foxsbm.webex.com/foxsbm/lsr.php?RCID=cccad54c5a3dd3bb85ebff2978b8c869
One of the most effective means of protecting our data, whether at rest of in transit, is encryption. In this section of the course, we will learn some of the basic concepts behind cryptography, and modern encryption protocols. These protocols are one of three types: asynchronous, which are extremely efficient but share a common key (which presents some challenges), asynchronous, which are less efficient, but use a pair of keys (which is far more secure than a shared key), and hashing algorithms, which only encrypt data (they cannot “decrypt”).
Once we learn the encryption protocols, we will explore some practical applications of encryption in the next unit.
This week’s topics:
- Synchronous protocols:
- 3DES
- RC4
- Asynchronous protocols:
- Hashing and Trust:
- Message Digest
In this unit, plan to:
- Read: pages 572-629 in the Network Security text
- Read: pages 176-189 in the Security Essentials text
- Begin: this week’s practical assignment
- Participate: in the weekly discussion forum
Practical Assignment Part 1
Practical Assignment Part 2
Practical Assignment Part 3