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Upcoming Webinar – Secure a Career in Cloud Computing

The panel discussion took place on February 25, 2021, on Zoom. The panel included experts from TD Bank, Wells Fargo, and Chubb Insurance. The experts talked about the transition from traditional data services to cloud computing. I learned about the security benefits of the cloud. Also, How it can effectively reduce the risk for companies. One of the experts made the point that automation was one of the greatest benefits, it can be used to implement security as a code. I also learned about a new cloud computing service called Function as a service (FaaS). The greatest advantage of FaaS is that it requires little day-to-day management. This relates to my career because the discussion revolves around technology, especially cloud computing. After attending this panel discussion, I have gained a better understanding of the challenges, benefits, and skills required to have a successful career in cybersecurity and technology.

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