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AT&T Externship

  1. AT&T
  2. The event was fully virtual. I had the opportunity to attend an externship where I listened to executives speak about leadership, business acumen, and personal, professional development topics.
  3. I learned that confidence, resilience, work ethic, and the desire to learn can take you lots of places in life. I was able to listen to New York Bestseller Autors, sleep doctor Michele Breu, multiple business executives that include Stedman Graham and the CEO of AT&T. We also learned a lot about 5G, business intelligence, AI, wireless networking, mobile telecommunications, and how AT&T uses advanced technology for their business process.
  4. This activity relates to my course work because through this experience I was able to learn how mobile telephone services use technology to improve their customer satisfaction and product development. In terms of goals, I listened to a specific speaker named Molly Bloom who helped me understand a different perspective in life and take action to become a better person.
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