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My Experiences and Endeavors



Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barrett & Bendesky – I currently hold a position at Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barrett & Bendesky P.C., a plaintiff law firm located in Center City, Philadelphia as a Database Administrator organizing and maintaining data for 700+ clients annually. SMBB is one of the top law firms in Pennsylvania and uphold some of the most prestigious court cases within the area. SMBB is my first experience working in a real-world corporate setting and I hope to use what I have learned at SMBB and apply them in my post-undergraduate career.


Association of Information Systems, IT Services – At Temple University, I work as a project manager of AIS IT Services, a student ran business that provides technical services to clients across the world as well as technical support within Temple. IT Services allows its members is not only build upon their technical and business skills, but also enables students to work in the real world environment and act as professionals in the IT organization. Through consulting, project analysis, and team work, IT Services molds all of its members into IT professionals ready to lead and innovate the future of business. If you would like to know more about Association of Information Systems and my position in IT Services please click here!




In my post-graduate life, I plan to find a strong job position within the IT sector. I currently have a strong devotion towards project management and system developing strategies, however, before I decide on a final path I would like to complete a series of internships to give me a better perspective of the different career areas in IT. I am currently seeking an internship position for the summer of 2013.  If you see me fitting in within your organization and would like to reach out to me, please feel free to take a look at my Resume or contact page!

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