Community Platform
  • Application development
  • Business analysis
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Content management systems
  • more...
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What is AIS?

Association of Information Systems (AIS) is one of the most active and profound Student Professional Organizations not only at Temple University but also throughout the world giving students who have a passion for information systems a chance to be rewarded. AIS has been recognized for their achievement in all areas of technological expertise. Specifically, the AIS SPO at Temple, has won awards in numerous competitions throughout the nation placing #1 in the AIS conference in more than 3 areas of study as well as the Outstanding Chapter award for 3 years in a row recognizing our superior performance, high participation rate, and delivering student professionals ready to begin their career in the world of IT. Recognizing AIS’ achievements and community service values, I immediately joined as a freshman even before I was able to take any MIS related classes. I continue to be active in AIS earning the AIS Outstanding Membership Award at the end of my freshman year.

Extending out of AIS is AIS IT Services, a student ran business that provides technological services to not only clients in Temple, but also around the nation! IT Services allows students to work on real world IT projects ranging from basic website design to calculation systems; every students gets a chance to participate and add value to each project. My career in IT services has given me the experience of a lifetime, allowing me to do something that no other Fox School of Business student has ever done before; professionally work within their major as an undergraduate. I began IT services as a tech-developer, but through determination and a series of successful projects, I am now a project manager and oversee a a multitude of IT projects. To learn more about the projects I’ve accomplished and or working on, click here!

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