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Introduction to SQL

Today I attended the Introduction to SQL with EventBrite. We covered different ways to insert and update your database within SQL, as well as some other additional queries to write. I learned new queries that I have never seen before, such as “truncate,” “comment,” “drop,” “alter,” “grant,” “revoke,” and more. It was interesting to see how many different queries you can write within SQL. I thought that I knew the basics already, but I was wrong; there are still so many more basic queries out there that I need to learn if I plan on going into data analytics. This activity relates to my career goals because there is a strong chance I will be working with SQL at my future job, whether I go into project management, IT consulting, or data analytics. This webinar also relates to my coursework because I am currently learning about SQL in my Web Service Programming class, so this paralleled nicely with my coursework.

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