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MIS 3535 Personal Journal Entries


This week on Tuesday we met with our BAs to discuss their progress on the scope document. We reviewed the statement of purpose, objectives, assumptions and restraints. These meeting are proving to be effective because each time we meet with our BAs they have improve their document with the suggestion we have given them. For example the first time we met with them about the scope document we noticed that their objectives could be improve to reflect business objectives. We also said they should make the objectives business SMART objectives.

What does not seem to be working is how to motivate them to start playing around with Justinmind. When I was a BA I did not realize how important it was to play around with this program. We have stressed that it is very time involved and the sooner they learn the better. We will have to come up with another course of action when it comes to creating a sense of urgency for learning Justinmind.

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