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Personal Journal Entry Week 9/29-10/3

This week could have been more productive. The BAs had their first exam this past Tuesday and asked for our help Monday night. I believe they met up with at least one of the PMs to go over what could be on the exam and another PM provided a study guide on the Google Drive. After having two papers due and MIS 3535’s first exam on Monday, I had to take monday night off to recuperate.

We did express that the extra credit helps boost their grades in MIS 3504 and it is a good way to learn Justinmind. I think now they we will trust what we say more because they weren’t confident after the exam. Moving forward, the PMs and I will continue to stress that we are here to help them with anything.

As for the PMs meeting up collectively or making progress on the documents, I think this could be improved in some way. Now that the first exam is out of the way, I think we will have more time to focus on the deliverables.

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