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Personal Journal Entry Week 11/4 – 11/7

After our Wednesday class, we booked a breakout room for Thursday to review our project status and create a dashboard for the next time we review this in class.

I noticed for next Wednesday’s class, 11/12, we will need to bring a revised copy of our risk management deliverable. Normally, Tuesday nights work well for us, so I booked a breakout room to create a revised version that we will then present in class. On Wednesday night, 11/5, I sent an email to the PMs.

Thursday: I got a breakout room for the PMs for a weekly check in. There has been some miscommunication amongst the group. We have addressed this and hope that we can get things back on track. We discussed getting the entire group together this Sunday to go over the progress of the prototype. During the Sunday meeting we plan on bonding with our BAs, fleshing out the prototype some more, and identify business objectives. We also completed the weekly progress report during the meeting.



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