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Personal Journal Entry Week 10/20-10/24

Tuesday Night: I scheduled a breakout room for Sean, Emily and I to create second drafts for the deliverables. We decided each document will follow a format and color theme to look like a cohesive unit. We worked on the change plan document. We would have liked to finish the Project Charter, however we are unsure about certain elements, such as constraints, and would like to collaborate with our BAs. The Tuesday meetings have been pretty productive.

I emailed an agenda to define what we will at least discuss in the PM meeting. What I am hoping we will discuss: progress of deliverables, how to revise the budget, the format for our one page slide for project progress and a possible study session next thursday, 10/30.

Thursday Afternoon:  I scheduled a breakout room for all the PMs and a majority of us attended. After Wednesday class, we realized we will need to integrate our budget into our project schedule. We also need to crack down on our BAs and schedule a meeting with them next week to discuss the prototype.

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