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Personal Journal Entry Week 10/6-10/10

Monday Evening: Zack L. and I met with the BAs to go over their 3rd interview questions. Our BAs focus is on digital marketing strategies and this interview is the most crucial because the interviewee is Somerville Lumber IT staff person. Also, the BAs seem very enthusiastic and open to suggestions when it comes to brainstorming ideas for their prototype. One thing I would like to improve upon is how to show them how to use their interview answers to create the prototype.

Tuesday Afternoon: Zach C., Michelangelo, Sean and I attended the 3rd interview. It went very well. I believe the 3rd interview answers will be extremely helpful when it comes to designing prototype.

Tuesday Evening: Sean, Emily and I met to discuss the template for the Project Charter. This draft is about 80% finished. Once finished we will discuss with other team members on how to improve it. I think it would be best to meet at the same time next week to finish this deliverable and work on another.

Thursday: I ran into one of our BAs and he wanted everyone get together to go over how to learn Justinmind. We are planning to meet on Sunday. I told him that I could help with analyzing the interview answers to figure out how to design the prototype to fit the client’s needs.


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