INSTRUCTOR: Alvin Zuyin Zheng, SECTION 001

In-class Activities

# 0 In-class Activities Policy 

  • You should submit your own solutions to the in-class exercises, even though you work as groups in class;
  • Submit your answers in a single Word document and you are encouraged to use a similar format as we show in class;
  • The due date is the starting time of the next class. For instance, we had the in-class exercises on Wednesday , the due date for this exercise solutions is 9:00am Friday.
  • The system will shutdown on 9:00am sharp. No late in-class exercises are accepted.
  • You are allowed to miss two in-class activities without penalty.
  • The grade is “success or fail”. You will get score of 1 if you succeed and 0 if you fail.
  • Answers to the exercises will be posted on the course website right after you submit yours.

# 1 In-class Activities: Identifying Entities

# 2 In-class Activities: ER Modeling 

# 3 In-class Activities: Creating Schemas  

# 4 In-class Activities: SQL Pen and Paper 

# 5 In-class Activities: SQL Out with Workbench

# 6 In-class Activities: SQL In with Workbench

# 7 In-class Activities: Data Visualization 

# 8 In-class Activities: Pivot Tables

# 9 In-class Activities: Descriptive Statistics

# 10 In-class Activities: Getting Started with R & R-studio

# 11 In-class Activities:  Decision Trees in R

# 12 In-class Activities:  Clustering in R

# 13 In-class Activities:  Association Rule Miling in R