Leading Change Link: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/learning-design-thinking-lead-change-in-your-organization/welcome?u=2206009
Microsoft Project Link: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/microsoft-project-2016-essential-training/welcome?u=2206009
Within these courses I learned various things that will hopefully help me throughout my professional career. In the Leading Change course we learned much about Design Thinking, and both the mindset and approach we should have when adhering to it. One of the major concepts within this course was alignment and how to keep all members of a team aligned to achieve our goals.
In the Microsoft Project course we learned about navigating throughout the platform. Setting up calendars and using templates can be beneficial to everyone on the team. There are various tasks you can create that all have different purposes, including milestone, recurring and summary. I don’t have much experience with Microsoft Project so I thought this course was insightful and helpful overall.
I believe a combination of the things I learned within these two courses have made me a more well-rounded person when it comes to the workplace and I’m glad I took them.