Word Doc:
MIS2402 Nicholas Gentile Pro Point Project Recommendation and Working Proof of Concept
For this project, I had to research an API that I could use to make a working proof of concept. After finding the API I wanted to use I programed a working proof of concept. I then had to write a recommendation paragraph for how the API can be used in business or for entertainment.
The API found at https://rapidapi.com/BigLobster/api/url-shortener-service or https://goolnk.com/Km1ZlX (link made with API) is a free API that shortens URLs. This can be used for convenience because it is a lot easier to share a shorter link than a long, more complicated one. This can be useful for businesses that give PowerPoint presentations or share links directly with customers. Shortening a URL can help a business create a memorable and brief link that can be shared directly or easily typed into any device. This type of link makes it easier for people to click, copy, and share it through email, PowerPoint, and even social media.
Working Proof of Concept: http://misdemo.temple.edu/tuj62245/Pro_Point_Project/