- Goal – this was a class project assigned in order for us, the students, to understand how to use Web API.
- API – through various free public APIs on the internet, I found one interesting API which is “Financial Modeling Prep API”. I really love Finance, so I decided to take that in and learn how to use that.
- Result – I have build a simple proof of concept website that displays the company’s income statement. The user only need to put in the “Symbol” of the company found on stock market site, click on generating the income statement button, and then the website will display the full name of the company and the last 4 years income statements.
- Project URL: http://misdemo.temple.edu/tuk97370/API%20Project/
- What I have learned:
- I don’t have to start building website from scratch
- How to read the API documentation – endpoint, required parameters and basic requirement to use the API
- How to work better with Loop in JSON Object and Array
- Recommendation: https://financialmodelingprep.com/developer/docs – there are many more things we can do with this API. Here are three examples/sections we can build using this API:
- We can build a website that display all the financial information (Income statement, Statement of Owner Equity, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flow)and stock price at real-time
- Compare the performances of different companies in the form of chart or other date visualization concepts
- Company’s information in detail and their performances from year to year