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Intro to JavaScript: Build a Guessing Game

3.Sponsor: Thinkful

4.When: 11/25/2019 8pm-9:30pm EST

Where: Webinar (Online) through livestorm!

5.Learned the basics and fundamentals of JavaScript such as variables, functions, and if else statements. Instructor also gave background information about the language, and supplied us with tools and places to learn more about JavaScript. He taught us the differences between var, let, const, the six values of JavaScript, and other building blocks for coding. For the activity we were shown how to code a number guessing game and were prompted to write a code for it.

6.This relates to my coursework because currently in MIS 2101 we have been doing JavaScript for about 4 weeks now.

Here is the website that directs to my code

Here is my code:!/reflective-amazonsaurus?path=app.js:30:2

And below I attached a screenshot of me in the lobby of the webinar.

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