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Note Alliance





Company Overview: 

Note Alliance buys distressed mortgages in bulk at a discount and works to resolve existing repayment issues with the homeowner. We work with the homeowner in the most caring and  respectful way with the goal of developing a strategy that enables them to keep their home.  Additionally, we share the discount with the homeowner, creating a positive outcome for the homeowner, our lenders and partners, and in turn, Note Alliance.

Roles and Responsibilities:

–     Manage programming and application development projects

–     Troubleshoot technical difficulties

–     Develop strategies to improve technology efficiency

–     Handle phone calls/emails

–     Scan, organize, and file documents

–     Write out processes

Skills Learned/Used

Relational Database Design, Business Analysis, Project Management,  SalesForce Development/Administration, APEX  & VisualForce Coding, Business Process Mapping, UI Wireframing, GUI Prototyping, Technology CvB Analysis (COTS, PaaS/SaaS, Custom), Cloud-System Architecture


I am hire for a Technology Intern at Note Alliance for the  summer of 2014. I am working with management and end users to help improve business processes with technology implementations. I am currently working with Note Alliance to design, develop, implement, and train end users on the popular PaaS, SalesForce. The implementation of SalesForce CRM will greatly improve efficiency of users interacting with the system and provide for a profitable investment for Note Alliance.


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