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Review MIS2502

Taking MIS 2502 ‘Data Analytics’ this semester at Temple University has taught me so much things. From every class that I attended, I learned that how much companies rely on data analytics to make decisions. Especially I like how Professor Zhang taught us in class not only about the key components of an organizations’ information infrastructure, but also different types of business data model and rules and also various analytical approaches lead us to analysis the data and find the correct answers. What I considered to be the most effective tool that Professor Zhang used for learning in class was the weekly question that we need to write down our opinion on the blog. This helps us to critically think about the subjects that we learned in the class.

I am glad to be one of the finalist for Data Visualization Competition (Temple Analytic Challenge) this semester. I learned about Data Visualization, the purpose of easy to interpret data and charts and it must tell a story. By attending in competition, I saw so many data visualization that tell a story in simple ways and some ideas were grapping viewers’ attentions.  I realize that the data visualization does not have to be complicate to display the ideas but rather it is always better have key ideas that simply display in the data visualization. I used CartoDB as my data visualization and I learned so much about the programs that I can implement my skills into my future job.

The other program that we learned was MySQL which is going to help my professional career.  I also cannot deny that SAS is another program that is going to help me for improve my professional career as well. MySQL is a database management system and it implemented as a server. By interacting with MySQL, we can easily request and response SQL query in between the workbench utility. We learned that using SQL workbench makes it easy to interact with a MySQL, and it can help us compose queries through highlighting, syntax checking, and the automated query functions. I believe that for my future job, knowing how to create and write down query is going to help me a lot at work.


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