Andrew Crerand wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 9 years, 10 months ago
Andrew Crerand commented on the post, Is Jargon Now Useless?, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
Jada, I looked through the list and I am also guilty of using some of these terms. I think some of them are pretty well understood so there isn’t an issue with them, but others are definitely ridiculous. I agree that using jargon is sometimes risky when making a pitch because you run the risk of having the person on the other end not understanding…[Read more]
Andrew Crerand commented on the post, Understanding Project and Process Deliverables, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
Great article Zack. Since we are used to being told which deliverables are required and what their importance is, it’s nice to have a way to make decisions about the best way to show off a project’s work without wasting time on deliverables that aren’t as important.
Andrew Crerand commented on the post, Slack challenges Microsoft Office, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
I think this is a definite threat to Microsoft, especially as our generation enters working age. One advantage that Microsoft has is it’s ubiquity as you mentioned. It will always be a staple in any office environment because using Microsoft Office is a skill that people put on their resumes, and a office platform centered around social media…[Read more]
Andrew Crerand commented on the post, Top Tips to Get Your App Idea Off the Ground, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
I agree Zack, so many great ideas go to waste. As it goes to show in our class we have to think about a solid business plan in order to get out app off the ground if we wanted to do so. A lot of people don’t have the knowledge to create a sensible plan for an app that comes out of a personal idea. A lot of time entrepreneurs gain an emotional…[Read more]
Andrew Crerand commented on the post, Make sure your infrastructure is solid, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
This should be common sense for any IT project, but in reality in a lot of cases it isn’t. Often times people overlook the details and just put something together so it works. This seems to happen especially with government projects. Look at the ObamaCare website. The massively expensive web development project was only spec’d out for ONLY 50,000…[Read more]
Andrew Crerand commented on the post, Design your own toys, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
I really like this idea. Kids are the most innovative and creative minds there are when it comes to toys and building. They’re willing to try new things but they’re limited by the toys they have. Now with 3D printed toys, they can create anything they want which provides an endless amount of creativity. Lego tried this idea with their MINDSTORM…[Read more]
Andrew Crerand wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 9 years, 11 months ago
Accurate performance ranking of IT personnel seems to be somewhat of an anomaly compared to other departments, in my opinion. There are a lot of different external factors that may mark upon someone’s performance. […]
Andrew Crerand wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 9 years, 11 months ago
Apple recently announced ResearchKit, which promises to change the way medical research is conducted for the better. ResearchKit is an open-source framework for building applications which collect data from an […]
I think the relationship between disruptive innovations and regulations is a very interesting topic. I just recently posted an article about how autonomous cars could be held back by regulations, just like the ResearchKit might be. After reading a lot about the topic, it appears that every disruptive innovation probably faced some hurdles with government regulation. Understanding the path of how a technology can disrupt is just a small piece of the puzzle because one should always consider the external factors that can hinder the technology from success. Even larger than the power of technology is the power of the government. Can the government simply stop a technology from becoming a disruption by putting in place harsher regulations? In some instances, I think this is actually a good thing. For example, autonomous cars cannot be a disruption as of now because of numerous regulations put it place, which protects us as consumers. However, it could also be a bad thing in the sense that it could crush entrepreneurial innovations, which often creates the disruption. As technology advances, regulations often change. So it will all depend on the future.
Research kit is really a good cause which will be made for medical research. According to me, it will provide lots of facilities in the field of medical. I don’t think the government has any objection as well as FDA to give permit to Research Kit because it will be become very beneficial for people in the future.
Andrew Crerand wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 10 years ago
CIO.com interviewed three CIOs at large companies to ask them what their priorities are for the next year, and the results aren’t surprising to an MIS student. They discuss a lot of the ongoing and upcoming trends. The one thing that all three CIOs mentioned was some form of more advanced CRM. With the amount of data available today, companies are able to gain more knowledge about their customers to better serve them. CRM itself isn’t new, but the way of doing CRM seems to be changing, and these CIOs plan to take advantage of it. Other things mentioned are having a “plug and play” model using cloud computing. Pradeep Tiwari says that “cloud is no longer nice to have, it’s a necessity”, and I feel that is true. A lot of money and hassle can be saved by hosting an application in the cloud because it has guaranteed uptime, and reduces hardware costs and system admin time dedicated towards it. The benefit of cloud that these CIOs are looking to take advantage of is the ability to deploy an application or a new server quicker than ever in order to compete. Another thing mentioned was improving the customer’s experience when interacting with a company through the web or technology, in order to provide better brand recognition and reputation. This article relates to 4596 because we will be entering the industry soon, and it helps to know what new trends are concerning CIOs.
Andrew Crerand wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Group 6 10 years ago
Andrew Crerand wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 10 years ago
ZDNet’s article summarized Apple’s stellar fourth quarter earnings and results, but attributed much of the iPhone success to the current upgrade cycle. The article noted that Apple needs the iPad to smooth out the earnings in between iPhone upgrade cycles, and Tim Cook hopes enterprise iPad use can be the perfect way to do that. Apple recently made a partnership with IBM back in July of 2014 with plans to have IBM develop enterprise grade iPad and iPhone apps to “change the way people work” and take advantage of IBM’s big data platform. Tim Cook on iPad’s enterprise potential: “I think the partnership with IBM and the work that we have going on in the enterprise is profound. I think we’re really going to change the way people work. I’m really excited about the apps that are coming out and how fast the partnership is getting up and running. I think that can move the dial there. I’m not predicting the 90 day clips and so forth but over the long arc of time I really believe that iPad is a great space.” I believe that a shift towards people using iPads or other tablets in the workplace with apps that interface with ERP systems is on the horizon. I’ve noticed in my own job people are becoming more mobile and want to bring their devices with them more places in order to do work. If smartly designed enterprise apps come into play that help people do their jobs, IT departments may be surprised by how many requests they will get from employees wanting an iPad to use as a work device. Do you think enterprise apps could have potential to take off?
Andrew Crerand wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 10 years ago
Our MIS 4596 group (Bakari Malik, Tyler Sliney, Zackary Bambary, Daniel Kovacs, & myself) wants to generate a crowdsourced parking mobile application that relies on updates from the user community to provide other users with information regarding available parking spots within a nearby location. Many of the members within our group commute to the city regularly and have become frustrated due to the large amount of time we have wasted each time we try to locate a parking spot. Using our mobile application, drivers will share real-time road information that informs drivers when a parking spot is about to be available on city streets where there is a time limitation that also uses our application and also remind the parked driver when their time is about to expire.
Andrew Crerand commented on the post, What is the most important…………?, on the site Industry Experience in MIS-SUM14 10 years, 8 months ago
I think the most important skill to me so far is the ability to teach myself and pick up on things quickly. There are a lot of things that you run into in the “real world” that are impossible to learn in the […]
Andrew Crerand changed their profile picture 11 years, 4 months ago
Andrew Crerand wrote a new post on the site Andrew J. Crerand 11 years, 9 months ago
Andrew Crerand
Technology is a passion of mine. I am a dedicated business student with a constant strive for improvement. With technology becoming such a huge influence on the business world both today and in the […]
I would have to take the industry professional’s opinion and see how I could help change the way I performed my job. Technology is rapidly advancing and there are always improvements being made to make things more efficient. While it might not make sense to change some things if it’s not broke, you still have to be vigilant to the possibility of change and whether or not you would be ready to accept it.