Bisser Dimov commented on the post, What is Knowledge Management?, on the site 9 years, 11 months ago
I think knowledge management is something which is not on the balance sheet or the income statement of the company, that is what boosts the company’s market value. This is the ability of the management to use the expertise of the available resources to achieve the business goals. This the knowledge of who, what, when and how.
Bisser Dimov commented on the post, Technology and Manufacturing, on the site 9 years, 11 months ago
I think the market regulates this it’s a matter of supply and demand. Most of the common products which have a higher demand are produced through the centralized corporate industrial structure. There is a niche for Open Source products as well and I think it is much smaller from the common products. The open source products can target higher…[Read more]
Bisser Dimov commented on the post, Discussion Question: Note to Self, on the site 9 years, 11 months ago
There are several things I’d like to remember like how the top IT management is able to handle extreme situations, what has to be considered, what lessons were learned. How the IT can create global processes and applications, which can function in different geographical locations. How the IT can improve the corporate operations in order to make…[Read more]
Bisser Dimov commented on the post, Retail Store Data Breaches, on the site 10 years ago
The transactions should have a point of sale encryption this should be a must. The data can be tampered easily if not encrypted it’s not that hard. The Credit Cards are PII data and by the law should be protected by each merchant having access to the data including Target. So here the question is how well those rules are observed and enforced? I…[Read more]
Bisser Dimov commented on the post, Discussion Question: Fraud and Safety, on the site 10 years ago
I’ve read several news about skimming in the past and I’ve read the authorities have imprisoned several members of the gangs involved in the process, but this is still happening. So basically it’s seems it’s not very high tech to be able to skim any ATM located outside of a bank or a store. I think all the ATMs should be located inside a bank and…[Read more]
Bisser Dimov commented on the post, Discussion Question: Agents, Publishers, and Self-Publishing Options, on the site 10 years ago
I think this is already an evolution in books publishing. It’s like development on any other system in a certain period time of time and it is the right timing. There are several on line websites like Amazon, Lulu, MagClound, GoingDigital, CreateSpace,Xlibris and etc where you can publish your books. Those websites are good base to test the…[Read more]
Bisser Dimov commented on the post, These are a few of my favorite things…, on the site 10 years ago
My favorite app is my iPhone banking application. The closest branch of the bank is like 40 miles away and it saves me time to deposit my checks by scanning them and entering them to the banking system. My favorite gadget is the shopping cart of any eCommerce application for example Amazon it gives a good look what you have so far no matter where…[Read more]