Blake D. Koen posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago
Domain 3 quiz 3
88% -
Blake D. Koen posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
Domain 1 quiz 1- 39/50, 78%
Blake D. Koen commented on the post, Is it wrong for victims of cyber-crime to hack back?, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
The comment you made about nothing being done was something that came to mind when originally answering this question. Ed talked about the young guy in Atlanta that was attempting to hack his company. They decided not to do anything legally, but what would they have gotten if they did? Mike Green talked about the guy in Albania, where…[Read more]
Blake D. Koen wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 7 years, 10 months ago
This article is fairly long, but talks about how data collection can help companies and government make predictions about what will happen in our daily lives. The police in New Delhi are now using a Crime M […]
Blake D. Koen commented on the post, Is it wrong for victims of cyber-crime to hack back?, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
I worry about getting into a cyber-war, but now I think that it may be a good idea to attempt to take out the hacking capabilities of known hacking groups. Obviously, there would need to be some guidelines, but It may be better to get them before they get you.
Blake D. Koen commented on the post, Why I Always Tug on the ATM, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
Just an update on this. Police in Medford, NJ caught two skimming suspects a few weeks ago. Apparently the bank had an issue with skimming before, so the police were watching it to see if anyone would come back to the ATM.
http://www.courierpostonline.com/story/news/2017/04/11/skimming-device-found-medford-atm/100339978/ -
Blake D. Koen posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Interesting theory. I would worry about people using the skills they learned to go into the criminal side.
I think that the main problem is that a lot of people who are in their 30’s or 40’s don’t have a good understanding of developing software. I think that we need to be promoting programming languages at the k-12 level. This will give them…[Read more]
Blake D. Koen wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 7 years, 11 months ago
This is more of a business psychology post and certainly not a technical one, or one of my standard fraud posts. The article talks about some common mental traps that we should avoid. The first one mentioned is […]
Blake D. Koen commented on the post, Splunk Leaking Data, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
Definitely scary for any organization. If they can get your login, then they would have access to all of your data. Anything that you have collected, could be given to your competitor or in the case of the government, leaked out like Snowden did.
Obviously, the best way for organizations to defend themselves is to educate their employees and…[Read more]
Blake D. Koen wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 7 years, 11 months ago
More fraud going on, this time from a priest.
Federal Prosecutors have alleged that William Dombrow has been stealing money from the Villa St Joseph bank accounts for about nine years. Dombrow used the money […]
Blake D. Koen wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 7 years, 11 months ago
We all know about skimming devices on ATM’s. We’ve talked about a lot on this site and other course sites. I found this to be interesting because the scammers seem to be adapting to the anti skimming […]
Blake: interesting read, and I don’t know which is more concerning – the fact that we now have to worry about this issue, or the fact that people are able to rig these ATMs without anyone noticing. I imagine that the ATM cameras aren’t monitored 24/7, but between those cameras and the general public, wouldn’t someone notice the installation of both a scanner and a camera (that requires a pinhole to be made as well)? Either way, it’s just another issue we have to worry about and – now that I read this – I will be definitely inspecting every ATM I use from here on out.
Blake, this a nice reminder that the threat of fraud exist at convenient ATM locations. I try to stick to using ATMs in local WaWa convenience stores; and I often give the unit a slight ‘tug’ to test the stability of the device. I first read an article on scimming some years ago. Having had my check card breached two years ago, I have also stopped using my check card for everyday purchases, I now use my AMEX to prevent breaches that impact my banking accounts.
Hey Blake,
I read this article last week. It seems that many in the information security field naturally inspect an ATM or credit card machine prior to inserting the device. While it is good practice, I have seen on social media (twitter, reddit, etc.) where people actually accidentally break the devices they are “tugging” on. Alot of times there is plastic that someone will tug on and break the device. With that being said, I think its best to visually inspect the devices and if anything looks out of place then go ahead and check physically. For me, I only really visit a handful of ATMs so at this point I am familiar with what they look like.
Just an update on this. Police in Medford, NJ caught two skimming suspects a few weeks ago. Apparently the bank had an issue with skimming before, so the police were watching it to see if anyone would come back to the ATM.
http://www.courierpostonline.com/story/news/2017/04/11/skimming-device-found-medford-atm/100339978/ -
Thanks for sharing the article.
I guess the best way of protecting your card is not to use it, or only use ATM when it’s an emergency. It is very important that we are being aware that at any given point in time there could be a skimming device on the ATM. We must make sure to cover up the keypad with our hand as we’re punching the pin number because there could be a camera anywhere recording the pin number we entered.
Blake D. Koen commented on the post, Congress just killed online privacy rules. Now what?, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I am pretty disturbed by this. I don’t even like that the ISP stores our history, and now they can sell it without our permission. VPN’s aren’t a bad idea, but what will happen when the VPN decides to sell your data? They also won’t protect you from tracking by google or facebook.
Blake D. Koen commented on the post, The real Cybersecurity Threats, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I agree with your assessment that the biggest IT risk comes from inside the company (or their vendors). Companies should analyze the behaviors of their employees. If everyone normally leaves at 5, but then all of the sudden one employee decides to start staying late all of the time, that can be an indicator that the employee is committing…[Read more]
Blake D. Koen wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 7 years, 11 months ago
I believe that this is my third post in a row about fraud. I will look for something else next time.
In the medical world, unused prescription drugs can be returned by the medical provider to the drug companies […]
Blake D. Koen commented on the post, Intel Launches $30K Bug Bounty, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I realize that many companies have bounty programs, but I always wonder if there has ever been a case where the hacker decided not to report what they found. Some of the people that are hacking them aren’t exactly the most ethical people, so I would not be shocked if this has happened.
Blake D. Koen posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
With all of these smart tvs, cameras, thermostats, refrigerators, etc, I expect that we will be hearing more about these devices being attacked. Everyone wants the convenience, but few people take the time to think about the security of these devices. I think that at minimum, there should be a warning that pops up when consumers are…[Read more]
Blake D. Koen posted a new activity comment 7 years, 12 months ago
That old policy is definitely an environment for fraud. I can’t believe that the company would have done things that way. I remember at my parents’ company, they would sometimes end up taking credit cards away from employees for charging personal expenses on the company card. The accounting department would see charges from bars on a…[Read more]
Blake D. Koen posted a new activity comment 7 years, 12 months ago
I agree that common users don’t know a lot about the common vulnerabilities. I would recommend that people back up their data to both the cloud and a local backup to help mitigate the risks of ransom ware attacks.
With businesses having so many devices connected to the internet, I feel like they have a lot vulnerabilities that…[Read more]
Blake D. Koen wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 7 years, 12 months ago
I found this to be a great example of what can go wrong without a proper segregation of duties, as well as a lack of controls.
In this case, the employee saw that the company wasn’t properly securing their […]
Blake D. Koen posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
These are good suggestions, but I think the problem for most small businesses when it comes to analyzing data is that they just don’t have the resources to deal with big data. In really small businesses, a few people might be handling all of the business tasks, so analyzing data would probably fall through the cracks.
I think that the advice…[Read more]
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