Broderick Walker commented on the post, Q&A: Final thoughts (100 second reflection on the course), on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
– Learned about the ways internet and technology have advanced and influenced the ways that businesses work.
– Beer game gave us an understanding of the bullwhip effect and how to properly manage inventory to keep costs down while satisfying demand.
– Global supply simulation gave us insights of the decisions that need to be made within the…[Read more] -
Broderick Walker commented on the post, Q&A: Can I/T Help with Ethics / Green in Supply Chains, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
Technology such as social media allows consumers to communicate directly with a company to let them know what practices (if any) are frowned upon by today’s societal standards. With the use of social media, companies can let people know what changes they are making and hopefully regain positive brand recognition.
Information also lets companies…[
Broderick Walker commented on the post, 100 Second Reflection: Week 11, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
– Ci provides new and effective training for local farmers who provide produce to Starbucks
– Starbucks ethical supply chain was to be used as an example for the rest of the industry
Gary Neights:
– Neights does not see blockchain as a positive investment and his company will not invest in it
– Automated supply chains reduce costs…[
Broderick Walker commented on the post, Amazon delivery and Ethics, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
The current layout for Amazon delivery is very unfair to the employees or “contractors” who spend almost all their time delivering. This unethical practice turns people off to Amazon because they believe that they treat their employees wrong. In order for Amazon to handle this PR nightmare and to win back the hearts of consumers, they need to…[Read more]
Broderick Walker commented on the post, 100 Second Reflection: Week 10, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
– Amazon started as a book company and grow into the multi-dimensional conglomerate that it is today. Amazon is still looking to expand into new markets and industries.
– There are plenty of things for Amazon to consider within their supply chain and business model if they are going to successfully enter the European market
Broderick Walker commented on the post, CIO Perspective, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
– Its great to see IT innovation creating a new form of profitability for companies. IT is helping drive profits because of its ability to derive information from customer and employee experience.
– IT also allows companies to be more collaborative and efficient with its processes, saving money every step of the way.
– Melanie is truly a leader…[
Broderick Walker commented on the post, Future Delivery Methods, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
Amazon has always been on the cusp of innovation. I believe that this will be the delivery method of the future. It will cut down on the number of cars/trucks on the road, contributing to the reduction of emissions gases. Something they will need to account for are:
– Inclement weather: bad weather could ground these crafts or cause problems with…[Read more] -
Broderick Walker commented on the post, 100 second reflection: Week 8, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
Hulu Case:
– Hulu and those alike force businesses to innovate and create a digital presence
– Flexibility to changes in digital technology drives consumer action
-Hulu has a lot of control over its supply chain and the creation and distribution of content
– All suppliers are not alike and a supplier that works for one business or…[Read more] -
Broderick Walker commented on the post, Blockchain: Is this the new Internet?, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
Is this really a technology with potential impact the Internet had?
– Increase Security
– Data is never erased
– Reduce transaction costsHow would this technology impact Supply Chains?
– Transfer funds anywhere
– Product tracking
– Tags easily read and processed
– Information accuracy -
Broderick Walker commented on the post, 100 Second Reflection – Week 7, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
RFID in Metro:
– Cost and time efficient by reducing labor times and increasing operating efficiency
– Cost of implementation high / standardizing issues
RFID in Technology:
– Composed of tags and scanners/readers
– building clearance and inventory tracking -
Broderick Walker commented on the post, RFID Videos, on the site 7 years ago
– increased efficiency / reduced errors
– increased speed
– reduced costs
– costly
– security -
Broderick Walker commented on the post, Amazon: Go – What do you think?, on the site 7 years ago
Shopping in a store like this would be a lot quicker than shopping in a regular store. No sales people pushing you to buy a specific product. No lines to wait in to check out. No need to remember cards or cash because it charges the due cost to your Amazon account. It is the ultimate convenience for food shoppers.
Amazon’s sensors are more…[Read more]
Broderick Walker commented on the post, 100 second reflection for Week 5, on the site 7 years ago
What I learned this week:
– Bullwhip effect will take place when each step of the supply chain is ordering more than normal to make up for incremental increases in demand. Each cog in the chain orders more to fill demand and to keep reserve inventory. They completely stop ordering when they have inventory on hand and less demand.
– Playing the…[
Broderick Walker commented on the post, Instructions for Beer Game, on the site 7 years ago
Broderick Walker
Andy Lau
Elizabeth Davies
Danielle Cassidy -
Broderick Walker commented on the post, Instructions for Beer Game, on the site 7 years ago
Still looking for a group. Need people. Let me know if you still need a group. tuf51684@temple.edu
Broderick Walker commented on the post, 100 Second Reflection for Week 2, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
Key takeaways from class 2:
– Crocs had a revolutionary supply chain for the current footwear industry. The flexibility and adaptiveness of the company helped them grow rapidly.
– The completely vertical supply chain allowed crocs to run the company the way THEY wanted to. Ownership of patents and each part of the manufacturing process proved…[Read more] -
Broderick Walker commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
Key points I learned from the first week of class are:
— a supply chain isn’t necessarily the flow of materials from place to place, it can also be the financial flow or the flow of information.
— There are a series of complex decisions to make about the structure of the supply chain and each stage’s process; such as locations, products, tra…[Read more] -
Broderick Walker commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
Broderick Walker
Marketing / MIS / Senior
Usually the customer in the supply chain -
Broderick Walker commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 22, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
Broderick Walker (tuf51684)
Broderick Walker joined the group MIS 4596-002 Fall 2015 – Messina 9 years, 6 months ago
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