Dominick J Falco wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 7 years, 11 months ago
Among the many different ways for disruptive innovation to arise, one avenue to consider in this day and age is through the introduction of carbon laws. With the growing interest in and necessity for s […]
Dominick J Falco commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 8 years ago
While the many innovations coming about due to the rise of IoT systems are truly remarkable, it undoubtedly will bring about many new security concerns. While researching some of the home automation systems available today, I noticed that a number of them provide capacity sensors that monitor when someone is home, what rooms they’re in, and keep a…[Read more]
Dominick J Falco wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 8 years ago
Ad blockers are becoming increasingly popular among internet users, as many people wish not to be hassled by the plethora of invasive advertisements saturating most of today’s websites. However, it’s clear that ad […]
I don’t think that the advancement from Instart Logic will put complete end to the battle between ad blockers and content publishers. I say this because technology is a constantly advancing field, so it will only be a matter of time before someone or some company finds a way around Instart Logic’s newest innovation. However, I’m not sure whether internet users should have the ability to block ads. It’s helpful because it works as a filter that allows users to view only the content on a website that they actually want to see, but it also takes away revenue from websites that users frequent, which takes away support to keep the websites running.
I’m sure that at some point ad blocking technology will catch up with Instant Logic, however it is possible that less advanced users will eventually give up on trying to block ads. I think the future of internet advertising is probably going to end up being more social rather than typical flash ads or pop ups which irritate users and which most people are increasingly getting used to “tuning out”.
A recent Stanford study found that most college students could not tell the differences between a news article and sponsored content, which are often attention grabbing headlines that are designed to subtly lead curious users toward a product. This might be the most efficient way to advertise online in the future, advertising agencies might become less interested in worrying about traditional web ads and more focused on social marketing.
I doubt that Instant Logic’s technology won’t be worked around some way or another soon — that’s simply how the internet works. However, I think that instead of completely blocking ads, users should have a right to not be tracked by social tracking companies. I have an extension called Ghostery that identifies and blocks any tracking that websites have enabled for their ad services. Even on this site right now I have three trackers blocked so that they cannot track my habits and behavior, because I believe that is my right to privacy. So perhaps not completely blocking ads, but maybe blocking the increasing tracking systems that websites employ for their ads is going to be the future of content.
Dominick J Falco commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 8 years ago
This is a cool new innovative idea that Amazon has come up with, and it will undoubtedly shake up the entire retail industry if they see success from their initial adaptions of these stores. Certainly many economical issues come to mind when discussing mass automation like this, and there will likely be a great deal of push-back from a lot of…[Read more]
Dominick J Falco commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 8 years ago
I was unable to read the source article due to the paywall it’s behind, but this seems like an interesting new initiative JPMorgan Chase is making. Certainly there will be customers who decide to take their business elsewhere due to privacy concerns; however, I think it’s becoming more and more evident that the majority of people will tend to side…[Read more]
Dominick J Falco wrote a new post on the site Dominick Falco's E-Portfolio 8 years, 1 month ago
Welcome to my E-Portfolio. Here you will learn things about me that you may not be able to figure out just by looking over my resume. I am currently a senior, working towards a BBA in Management Information Sy […]
Dominick J Falco wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 8 years, 1 month ago
Leaders of the California state government have set out to put 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) on the road by 2025 as an effort to cut back on fossil fuel consumption. In a recent interview with the […]
Interesting article, personally I believe the goal is a bit lofty for California but their use of system thinking for programs is a great way to ease the pain. However, I’m not sure if they’re planning enough for the inevitable pushback by petrol companies to keep emission vehicles on the road. The team I worked with last summer dealt with mapping out, diagramming, and improving, the enterprise architecture for a 50-year-old company with tons of different legacy systems. Everything was jumbled and there were systems and software people weren’t even sure were being used. We had to take a systems-thinking approach handle the mess and understand just what was useful, what was being used, and what was critical for other systems to work. The team is still working on it but they’re making great strides to take a disorganized IT structure and turn it into a neat one through systems thinking.
Is the California example really ‘systems thinking’ or rigorous thinking?
Dominick J Falco posted a new activity comment 8 years, 1 month ago
As for Facebook Events, it does not offer the kind of exclusivity that our app would bring to the table. Again… I am well aware that there is a plethora of event apps & websites currently available. Rather than linking me a long list of event apps to scour over and explain the differences between each and every one, I would encourage you to…[Read more]
Dominick J Falco posted a new activity comment 8 years, 1 month ago
While it is true that Meetup has very many similarities, the core concept of our app is more focused towards individual events as opposed to ongoing group meetups. Quick example – A band wants to perform for a local audience, but is having trouble booking any gigs. With our app, the band could simply decide to throw a party at their home for p…[Read more]
Dominick J Falco posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years, 1 month ago
Team members: Alex Korjeski, Dominick Falco
Our idea is to create a location-based events app that will allow users to post nearby events for anyone within a certain radius to view and sign up to attend. By default, events will be openly available for anyone to join; however, hosts will also be given the option to make their event an exclusive…[Read more]
This is very nicely described. Questions: Hasn’t this been done before – variations of meetup? What is the value to the organizer and attendee – why should they bother in relation to other options? How will you make money?
While it is true that Meetup has very many similarities, the core concept of our app is more focused towards individual events as opposed to ongoing group meetups. Quick example – A band wants to perform for a local audience, but is having trouble booking any gigs. With our app, the band could simply decide to throw a party at their home for p…[Read more]
What about Facebook events, that sounds like what you just described, or all of these?
As for Facebook Events, it does not offer the kind of exclusivity that our app would bring to the table. Again… I am well aware that there is a plethora of event apps & websites currently available. Rather than linking me a long list of event apps to scour over and explain the differences between each and every one, I would encourage you to…[Read more]
Dominick J Falco joined the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years, 1 month ago
Dominick J Falco posted an update in the group MIS 4596 Fall 2016 – Mandviwalla 8 years, 6 months ago
My idea is to create an app that would enhance the movie theater experience by providing an interactive gaming experience within the theater. Most frequent movie-goers know that, prior to the movie starting, there’s typically around 30 minutes of commercials and previews for upcoming films. During this time, users would be given cinema themed t…[Read more]
Dominick J Falco joined the group MIS 4596 Fall 2016 – Mandviwalla 8 years, 6 months ago
Dominick J Falco changed their profile picture 10 years, 5 months ago
Hello Dominick,
I think we have already been introduced to numerous innovations surrounding the recent interest in sustainability and renewable energies. Out of all of these disruptive innovations one company is at the forefront of renewable energies and sustainability, and this company is Tesla. Tesla’s cars are dominating the electric car market because they not only focused on making the car environmentally friendly, but they made sure their cars appealed to the luxury car crowd. Before Tesla there were cars like the Chevy Volt and the Toyota Prius that attracted family oriented people who were looking for a more environmentally sustainable car. Tesla is a disruptive innovation that focused on style and speed alongside the original environmentally sustainable feature, and this has proven to be an immense success for them.
Like Darpan, the first thing I thought of when reading your post was electric cars. But, it also reminded me of a company I recently read about called Carbon Engineering. Since the government set regulations on companies to limit their CO2 emissions, they have been trying to figure out how to manufacture their products without leading to a large carbon footprint. This then led to the creation of Carbon Capture technology. However, Carbon Engineerying plans to come out with a new technology they call Air Capture, which will capture CO2 directly from the atmosphere, which they will then utilize to enable production of low carbon fuels. I believe this would be considered a sustaining innovation because it can produce fuels with drastically lower carbon-intensity than Carbon Capture.