Jesse C. Dahms joined the group MIS4596 Hohne Fall 2014 10 years, 5 months ago
Jesse C. Dahms commented on the post, Weekly Question #7: Complete by November 10, 2016, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 2 months ago
The most important thing I took away from this class was learning how to use MySQL to pull data out of a database and how to put data into a database. In order to run analysis on the data in programs such as SAS, […]
Jesse C. Dahms commented on the post, Weekly Question #6: Complete by October 15, 2015, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 3 months ago
The SpotCrime website is more like the OLAP type analysis we were doing last week because OLAP allows multidimensional data to be seen from multiple perspectives. SpotCrime gives information on the type of crime […]
Jesse C. Dahms commented on the post, Week 8 Question: Due October 26, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 3 months ago
One type of data that can be expressed in more than one way that would need to be reconciled could be time in terms of month, day, hour, minute, and seconds. Some databases may keep the date of a purchase only on […]
Jesse C. Dahms commented on the post, Bonus Marks: SAS Account Setup, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 3 months ago
Jesse C. Dahms commented on the post, Week 3 Question: Due September 21, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 4 months ago
Trump Entertainment Resorts has a similar customer loyalty program to that used by MGM. Imagine that the two casinos have discussed sharing customer data with each other. Executives at MGM are excited about […]
Jesse C. Dahms commented on the post, Week 2 Question: Due September 14th, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 5 months ago
Making sure an ERD accurately represents the business event it is supposed to capture is important when implementing a database. You have to make sure that all Entities, Relationships, and Attributes are correct […]
Jesse C. Dahms changed their profile picture 12 years, 5 months ago
Jesse C. Dahms changed their profile picture 12 years, 5 months ago
Jesse C. Dahms commented on the post, Week 1 Question: Due September 6th, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 5 months ago
2) The past four summers I have worked at a pool and spa supply store, selling chemicals and parts for pools and spas. One feature our business is known for is our free water testing. When I test a customer’s […]