Jibreel Murray's profile was updated 7 years, 5 months ago
Jibreel Murray posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago
Tableau as a tool is definitely the most important takeaway from this course. Learning how to organize data sets in different visualizations will help me in future classes and in projects and roles throughout my career. Tableau is a fairly easy tool to know how to use and will be important to know how to use in the future. I would describe Data…[Read more]
Jibreel Murray posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago
A data-driven services that I use daily is StockX. StockX is a sneaker app that created a stock market for sneakers. Resalers and buyers are able to determine the worth of their sneakers and buy and sell based on the stock price of a particular sneaker. In a spreadsheet, rows would be the name of the sneaker profile and columns would be specifics…[Read more]
Jibreel Murray posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
I found this article to be interesting because not only does it affect me but other Americans as well. The US is expected to see a serious decrease in the supply of doctors over the next ten years or so. The…[Read more] -
Jibreel Murray commented on the post, Weekly Question #7: Complete by March 22, 2017, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
A KPI that I use on a regular basis is the digital Thermostat in my home. This is specific and measurable because the temperature in my home is a precise measure. It is achievable, given that I can manipulate the temperature to fit the desired room temperature or even cut HVAC cost by shutting the system off. it’s relevant, the temperature in my…[Read more]
Jibreel Murray posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
One big mistake I have made while working with data that is listed in the article is copying formulas that use relative coordinates. I made this mistake while working with tableau. I thought I could use similar formulas to receive correct calculations when creating a calculated filled. I quickly discovered copying formulas only leads to missed…[Read more]
Jibreel Murray posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
I found this article to be very interesting. The article addresses business retailers and other businesses using big datasets to solve and analyzes problems. The article points out that many business leaders believe…[Read more] -
Jibreel Murray posted a new activity comment 7 years, 12 months ago
In my opinion, simplifying is the most important core principle given by Hoven. I consider simplifying the most important core principle because if not for this guiding principle visualizations would be unclear. The simplifying core principle is a building block for the other seven core principles. Hoven stated “Good data visualization captures…[Read more]
Jibreel Murray posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
In my opinion, the most important takeaway from the discussion regarding bias and the signal problem is that biases are inevitable in Big Data and the signal problem will always under-represent the population. I recently use data when deciding what classes I would take for this semester. I used the Rate my Professor website when picking classes.…[Read more]
Jibreel Murray posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
This article is interesting data-driven analysis regarding the US job market under Trump’s Administration and if their plan to bring back US factory jobs can be successful. The data shows that there are 340,000 possible manufacturing…[Read more] -
Jibreel Murray posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
One Conventional Wisdom that I have to hear often is “great things come to those who wait”. This statement does not always prove to be true, I am sure we can all recall hearing stories about people who were in good positions but waited too long and let opportunities pass them by. Great things are sought after, not waited for. In order to support…[Read more]