Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 3 months ago
I thought this was a pretty interesting article. It speaks on the fact that there are many flaws in the current voting system and that they are fairly easily hack-able. It talks about how at DefCon ( a hacking […]
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, News Article – Week 5, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
I agree with Matt. I think it gave a lot more information on the current situation. Also I have heard that apache has been an issue in the past. It is interesting that even with it being such a known issue people still seem to neglect it.
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 4 months ago
Hey Guys,
Below is step by step instructions for installing Nessus on Kali
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 4 months ago
Even though this is a rather short article I thought it was kind of interesting. It talks about how the US used a DDoS attacks against North Korea from March to September against is counter intelligence agency. It […]
Very interesting article.
This is very interesting and reminds me of the discussion we had a few weeks ago about cyber laws and whether cyber attacks executed by and against governments should be considered acts of war and therefore bound by the same international agreements. As a US citizen, I’m not upset about North Korea being talked into doing some things favorable to the US, but it opens the doors for similar attacks to be considered acceptable. What if the attack was against the US or an ally? What id instead of focusing on the teams that conduct North Korea’s hacking it was against the electrical grid or something similar that could cost innocent civilians their lives? It is pretty terrifying to think about.
I agree with Amanda, this is a really interesting article. Good find! Cyber wars are always something to think about and to have concerns with. It is an interesting technique that the US took, but it is a stepping stone for cyber war. In this case, US actions did not cause rebellious actions back. However, next time there could be a different return response and then more instances like this will occur. Eventually, we will have a full-on cyber war, which I don’t even want to imagine the impact that will cause on various countries and people. Like Amanda said, there is no feelings toward the US attacking North Korea, but if was the other way around….you do not know what they will target and the negative impact it will cause for the US and its people (Including around the world).
Thank you for this interesting article. The only thing I am questioning: Is it ethical to use this type of techniques to attack other countries? I don’t personally have an answer for that question.
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 4 months ago
I thought this was a pretty interesting article because it pertains to stuff that we were discussing in class. The article discusses how the US would like china to not enforce their new policy that requires […]
Jonathan – Very interesting article. In the article, the following was mention “Washington has asked Beijing to refrain from enforcing a new cybersecurity law that would require foreign and domestic companies to store user data in China and submit to security checks, saying such measures would damage global trade.”. Which means that the new laws do not apply to just Chinese citizens. In addition, Russia has the similar laws to what the Chinse government is trying to implement when it comes to cybersecurity.
Thanks for posting this! I always enjoy the international articles regarding cyber and the possible impact one country may cause on other countries. You mentioned that companies may be forces to rework their infrastructure and security in order to comply. I was also thinking would companies consider leaving China if the China decided to enforce these policies. I guess it is going to depend the cost of leaving the country versus the cost of data being leaked or anything related. Or maybe these polices will have new companies think twice before entering the country. I am curious what the risk looks like for some of these organizations.
Very important topic. Your article touches a very sensitive area of cyber security. I did read another article related to the one you shared, Which talks about how China wants every person and company runs its IT resources (Hardware or software) using the country network to give the government the access to those resources. As Elisabeth mentioned, that would cause so many companies to leave China which will definitely reflect the country economy. I do believe that this new can not be accepted by so many companies especially those work with organizations or governments which automatically mean that they use sensitive information (PII).
Great article. I was surprised that USA told China to not enforce these security measures. Yes some companies may move away from doing business in China if the regulations were enforced. Yet than what is more important moneytradeeconomy or security measures? Its a matter of risk and sensitivity – yet USA doesnt want businesses leaving China. In the end of the day money talks.
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 4 months ago
This is a pretty interesting article that I found that even though it is a couple weeks old now I think that it still hold true and gives important information. The article talks about how the NSA sues langue to […]
Jonathan Duani posted a new activity comment 7 years, 5 months ago
In my option, it does seem to me like it is hacking. If we use the definition that we were given in class that hacking is looking at how a system works and manipulating it and making it work different then a lot of things that we think are not hacking is hacking. A user goes to a website and thing it works a specific way. However, since the…[Read more]
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Week 3 Question, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I like you response and I think that training could help with preventing ethical dilemmas that might arise. I also agree that as a digital forensics anayst you have access to information that the majority of the company does not have access to so it is you ethical responsibility to make sure that you keep everything by the book as possible
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Week 3 Question, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I like how you broke down the definition of ethics into 3 key points and expanded on it. It is how the society perceives the action with will define if it is ethical or not. Someone from the Middle East or Asia might do something that we do not find ethical in our culture or business model however in their eyes it is total normal and…[Read more]
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Week 3 Question, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I like you response this week. I definitely agree with you that if your influence in a case could sway someone one way or another so you need to show you findings in a way that shows no bias one way or another.
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Week 3 Question, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I think ethics play a huge role in a lot of things that we do in digital forensics. However, before we can talk about how ethics I thought it would be good to define what ethics actually are. I looked on to the internet and tried to find a good definition for ethics however after some googling I was not able to find a definition that I liked, and…[Read more]
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 23, on the site 7 years, 12 months ago
A lot of school use software like deepfreeze, where upon reboot it will re image the computer. It makes it annoying if you saved something locally then forgot but from a security standpoint if anything goes wrong you can just reboot the machine and it should fix the problem.
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 16, on the site 7 years, 12 months ago
This is a really interesting article I think everyone needs to be aware of. Tim Cook said last year when the the FBI was trying to get into the iPhone 5C that he would not make this software because he was scared of what would happen if this was released into the world. Now that it is released into the world, i am curious to see what happens. If…[Read more]
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 9, on the site 8 years ago
Really Interesting article! I think of it this way. They could make more money if they attack the random Joe Shmoe because if they attack 1000 of them vs 100 high value targets the changes are might greater in their favor. A lot of higher value targets have solution in place to counter act this where a random end user does not. So it can collect…[Read more]
Jonathan Duani posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Email Is Forever – and It’s Not Private
A very interesting article that I found talking about how safe your private emails really are. I thought it was interesting because we have been talking about discovery in class and emails maybe one of the things we are going to have to collect for someone for a some reason. They discuss how insecure of a…[Read more]
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 8 years ago
I like your idea of the org chart for an organization. Since every organization will of course be different it can be a generalized chart to show the flow of power through a company. This could help a user if they need a specific piece of data, by knowing how to ask
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 8 years ago
I agree that organizational forensics is more political because encompasses the whole organization. You need to know proper procedure and how to deal with the different departments properly to gather the information you need in a timely manner. I also agree that chain of custody is important. If the chain of custody of evidence is lost…[Read more]
Jonathan Duani posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
I like how you broke down everything into 5 different groups. And I do agree with you that a lot of “stuff” can fall under Organizational Forensic. It is a very broad term that encompasses multiple different things
Jonathan Duani posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
If I was slated with the task to write a Wikipedia page for Organizational Forensics, like most Wikipedia pages I would start with a brief overview of the topic that way users can know what it is about. I would take the definition about forensics and then the definition of organization and mold them together into a definition that would explain…[Read more]
Jonathan Duani's profile was updated 8 years ago
Hi Jonathan:
Very interesting article and I agree with you that voting system machines have many different vulnerabilities that could affect personal voter information.
Jonathan – This is indeed a topic of concern because transparent elections are the backbone of any economy. With the research talking about how the voting machines of 2016 elections could have been compromised, your article definitely throws light on the threat that these machines pose. What is interesting to note from the article is that how will regulations prevent foreign manufactured parts from entering into such machines? The concern is quite valid because malware could be introduced very easily even before the foreign manufacturer parts are fitted into voting systems.