Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site MIS 5212-Advanced Penetration Testing 6 years, 11 months ago
This ia an interesting option article about the CEO of FireEye which is a cybersecurtiy company that makesa bunch of tool for securtiy professionals. He said that if we go into a cyber war with russia with all […]
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site MIS 5212-Advanced Penetration Testing 6 years, 11 months ago
The article talks about how Goverment employee believe that they are not responsible for the secutty of their work equipment and information. This is a scary statistc casue even though they might not directly […]
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site MIS 5212-Advanced Penetration Testing 6 years, 12 months ago
This is a pretty interesting article because it effects almost anyone. The hacker who is Samy Kamkar known for the Myspace hack back in the early 2000s is now a gray hat hacker. This means that he doesn’t do it […]
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site MIS 5212-Advanced Penetration Testing 7 years ago
This is a really interesting article that talks about how a piece of malware is stealing credit card information.
This was pretty cool- I dug a little deeper [link below] and it looks like they were getting the credit card data by scraping the memory of other processes. If I were writing this Malware, I’d just use a keylogger, since most Magstripe readers are just treated as keyboards by the machines they’re attached to.
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 22, on the site 7 years ago
Test post!
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 2 months ago
Cybersecuirty is an ever changing and because of that and how new it is there is a shortage of skills in this new field. For us who are just starting in this field this is not a bad thin cause this will mean that […]
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 2 months ago
The Major US banks is where the majority of Americans money is held. If an attack would happen it could be catastrophic to not only the economy but to an individual as well. It is imporant to understand how your […]
I do agree with you, anything happens to american banks will reflect automatically the country economy. That’s the reason why the government gets involved on regulate this domain. All american banks have to follow those regulations to be protected from any cyber attacks that can happen.
Thank you for such a great article.
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 2 months ago
This is really interesting article. I think it is really important for everyone to be conscientious about cyber security. If you have a desktop technician that does not care about security even if a company has […]
I don’t believe that only experts have to be aware of IT security. Everyone has to be cautious about it and does the best to secure their small devices such as Phones or Laptops. We recently live in a world where IT is part of of every single detail of it. Starting from doorbell to thermostat to our cars that became very smart lately.
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Amazon to Let Delivery Drivers Open your Front Door, on the site 7 years, 2 months ago
You know it is really funny that this is a thing now. When Amazon came out with this I mentioned that this would be a huge vulnerability to a couple friends and lo and behold here we are. I do not understand how people thing that this is a good idea.
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 3 months ago
This is a interesting article about how the US government found Russian cyber security software on their computers. According to the article 96 of the 102 government agency had this software on their computers. IT […]
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 3 months ago
ADT is a well known security company for your home or business. If someone breaks to your house or business the system will call the police and alert someone that someone has tired to break in or has broken into […]
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 3 months ago
This is a pretty interesting audio clip actually about the NSA who were actually hacked themselves which proves nobody is safe.
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 3 months ago
This is another interesting article about the job world in the cyber security realm. It talks about how there are not enough people who have the necessary skills for the jobs that are available. It means there are […]
Think about this, if you are bad guy, all you need to concentrate is well learn your target. How about organization. What they are dealing with is way more than security. My assumption is bad guy is always smarter than us. But they are human too. They got limit energy and time. By leveraging existing resource, like training their own people and utilizing existing technology is more cost effective. Besides, security awareness works well in defending many attack. Complicate attack is launched by pros. It can only be deafened by well-trained pros.
Only the best can survive.
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 3 months ago
Pretty Interesting article that I found which talks about the cyber security job market. It explains there will be millions of jobs open by 2021 and not enough people to fill them,( which might not be a terrible […]
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 3 months ago
I thought this was a pretty interesting article with the cryptocurrency boom that has been going on lately. The article talks about code in different websites that will use the resources on your computer to mine […]
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Small Companies Often in the Dark About Cyberattacks, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
Really interesting article. I think this is a real problem and we are going to be seeing it more and more moving forward. I think it comes form they simply do now have the money to properly keep up with cost of cyber security.
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 4 months ago
This is a pretty interesting article about legislation that is coming up currently. This is because they are saying that is now legal for you to hack a person who is hacking into you. It could be more dangerous […]
Jonathan – Your article is an eye opener to the true definition of Ethical Hacking itself. It would be surprising to see such legislation practiced that allows people to hack a person who is hacking into you. I think that is not a bad idea after all because as long as people have the right tools and techniques that prevent them from such external attacks, it is good. However, there is a paradox too. The learning of such skills should not pave the way for more hacking as people now have the desired knowledge to protect or hack into systems.
I agree with the author that ‘hacking back’ is a terrible idea and should not be legal. There is no way to draw a clean line on what is ‘hacking back’ and was is just plain hacking. The writers of the bill couldn’t even do it, evidenced in the contradictory wording about when ‘hacking back’ is allowed. If you figure out that someone has hacked you and you ‘hack back’ to get your data back, how far is too far? Can you take the whole database where your data is held even if some of it isn’t your data? They’d basically be opening the floodgates for just hack whoever they want and then pretend the other side started it, essentially making the laws that make hacking illegal moot.
Jonathan Duani wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 7 years, 4 months ago
I thought this was super cool and since I own one of the affected years part of me really wants to build out what they are talking about and try it. ( i already have all the comments that are needed). This article […]
Very interesting topic reminds us again with the fact that we became living with so much technology that put as under risk of losing our belongs. On the top of securing our homes that contain nowadays all these devices we call them smart and connected to the internet, now we have to worry about our cars just because they are full of computers and software what don’t get patched by the companies. In my opinion, these companies need to think about inversting on securing these computer technologies before they implement them in cars. However,it become necessary that they work on developing new updates all the time.
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, FORMBOOK MALWARE TARGETS US DEFENSE CONTRACTORS, AEROSPACE AND MANUFACTURING SECTORS, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
This is a really interesting article. I think that the biggest thing was the people that they were going after. IT was people who most likely had higher level security clearance and could cause information that if, in the wrong hands could be a really big problem.
Jonathan Duani commented on the post, Warning: Millions of P0rnHub Users Hit With Malvertising Attack, on the site 7 years, 4 months ago
I think this is a pretty interesting article but also very scary. I saw some analytical data on reddit at one point that p0rnhub has a crazy amount of hits in any given day. This being the case something like this could be a huge problem even if 1% of the people who go the site will go along with it.
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Interesting article. I do agree that this is a bit scary to read. It would have been nice though if Kevin Mandia, FireEye CEO, provided more detail to support his statement. We can all make assumptions on his reasoning behind his comment, but it would have been more beneficial to understand why he believed the U.S. would lose against Russia in a cyber-war.
This is definitely scary Jonathan for sure. Russia and America anyhow do not have good ties and political standpoint is weak. With the recent Trump election issues, Russia has taken protective stand against cyber-attacks of any kind. However the need of the hour is to have bilateral talks on security of the data on the internet and the limits on breach. Only this can be an approach to a peaceful approach to having a stronger cyber security on both the sides.