Long Duc Nguyen commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 9, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
During a class in MIS 2101, we discussed about the development of AI and how quickly it can eclipse the human level intelligence. Therefore, I would have to agree with Elon Musk that a continual and unregulated development of AI will be humanity’s biggest existential threat. I believe AI development should be limited to more mundane tasks such as…[Read more]
Long Duc Nguyen commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 16, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
This is an interesting post and I can definitely see how the government and law enforcement can use the technology for the goods of society. A better facial recognition system will allow the police to correctly identify people who committed crimes. It will also allow the government to track high-profile criminals and terrorists to ensure public…[Read more]
Long Duc Nguyen wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 10 months ago
Long Nguyen
On this week topic of disruptive innovation, I read an article on how disruptive technology can even affect the whiskey industry. This is surprising to me because I did not expect disruptive […] -
Michelle Purnama and
Long Duc Nguyen are now friends 5 years, 10 months ago
Long Duc Nguyen commented on the post, How AI is changing office suites, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I think companies will definitely adopt these office suites to improve their efficiency and productivity as they try to remain as competitive as possible. I think there is definitely potential security risks as well and it is something companies will need to consider when implementing these office suites into the workplace. However, helpful…[Read more]
Long Duc Nguyen commented on the post, The 45.7 Meter Field Goal?, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
Unless something major happens to change the way Americans use the measuring system, I do not believe the US will be embracing the metric system any time soon. This goes back to the concept of “see, feel, change” that we learned in MIS 3535. To create lasting change, the US audience needs to see why the metric system is better, which will make…[Read more]
Long Duc Nguyen commented on the post, Cyber Security Is A Business Risk, Not Just An IT Problem, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I agree with this analysis because it shows that the issue of cyber security is not as simple as it seems. Cyber security architecture is only one part of the problem; employees also need training in cyber security in order to minimize the risk. Humans represent one of the greatest security vulnerabilities because we cannot ask everyone to become…[Read more]
Long Duc Nguyen wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 11 months ago
Long Nguyen
The article I recently read, “Could hackers ‘brainjack’ your memories in future?”, got me thinking about the increasingly important role of cyber security as our society continues to advance […]-
This is a very interesting and scary idea. Of course the security issue is the most scary since someone could actually hack into something in your brain and possibly control the way you think with these implants. However, using the concept of systems thinking and thinking about the system that these implants are a part of, there are also other things at play here that scare me.
I’m not really sure I would want to have people be able to alter their memories in the future and think something happened when it really didn’t. I also wouldn’t use this technology myself because the memory is fabricated and defeats the purpose of it being a “memory” in reality it isn’t really a memory it’s something you wish happened. I think experiences and the way things happen naturally, make you who you are as a person and help you grow, and I think fabricating that could effect it. For example, people probably wouldn’t want any bad memories, so they would alter them to make them more pleasant; however, the memory being bad probably taught them a valuable lesson. It’s not good for people to be thinking everything always works out perfectly or the way they want it to, but if they are able to alter their memories this may happen and eventually put people in danger. These implants could potentially affect the way you think and also change who you are.
This is a pretty terrifying thought, although a very interesting article and you did a great job of relating it back to the course. I remember seeing in a fictional TV show that someone hacked the heart device of a man to cause him to have a heart attack, and we are getting to a point with technology where these sorts of things are become really possible. You hit the nail on the head when mentioning how the systems thinking needs to be applied. Just updating/securing the technology isn’t enough, because social engineering is the easiest and cheapest way to access a system, no matter how protected it may be.
Long Duc Nguyen wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 6 years ago
In the article by Aaltonen, the author talks about how we can innovate with metrics and how to deliver metrics that are useful to the organization. A quote that stands out to me is “a good metric is often […]-
I agreed wholeheartedly that a metric should be as interactive and actionable as possible, I am also familiar with “vanity metrics”, which are common in the marketing agency world.
However, I am ambivalent about whether all “good metrics” are necessarily actionable. I am thinking about cases where some measurements are static and stable, having to do with the infrastructure of the system; you cannot quickly alter them and see changes, but they are crucial to maintaining the health of the system. Sometimes, analysts may work with a dashboard of key KPIs, but deep/ad-hoc analyses may require getting quick access to boring metrics recorded in the background.Also, thank you for talking about that report on MIT Sloan and Google.
Long Duc Nguyen commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 22, on the site 6 years ago
Steve Job is definitely a great presenter; he appears confident and knowledgeable to the audience. However, his meticulous presentation planning, combines with his natural presentation skill, is what creates his ‘reality distortion field’.
At the beginning, he immediately captures the audience attention by saying that this is a ‘revolutionary…[Read more]
Long Duc Nguyen's profile was updated 6 years, 9 months ago
Long Duc Nguyen changed their profile picture 7 years, 1 month ago
Long Duc Nguyen wrote a new post on the site Long Nguyen 7 years, 11 months ago
Temple’s TURF-CreWS is a platform for undergraduate college students to present, showcase and defend their original research or creative works. Throughout the event, a variety of different works from different […]
Long Duc Nguyen wrote a new post on the site Long Nguyen 7 years, 11 months ago
In the fall of 2016, I took the Data Science course (MIS 0855), which contributed greatly toward preparing me for my future career. Through the class, I learned how to use Tableau in order to analyze and visualize […]
Long Duc Nguyen changed their profile picture 8 years, 2 months ago
Long Duc Nguyen created the site Long Nguyen 8 years, 3 months ago
Long Duc Nguyen changed their profile picture 8 years, 3 months ago
Long Duc Nguyen's profile was updated 8 years, 3 months ago
Long Duc Nguyen commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 23, on the site 8 years, 4 months ago