Active 9 years, 10 months ago-
Matthew James Donnelly posted an update in the group Business Development Professionals 9 years, 10 months ago
Currently I am in the business development team at Senior Care/Active Day. A common problem we encounter is how to approach For-Profit vs. Non-Profits for acquisition. Any insights or thoughts for discussion are welcome.
Matthew James Donnelly created the group Business Development Professionals 9 years, 10 months ago
Matthew James Donnelly commented on the post, Weekly Question #7: Complete by March 27, 2017, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
Interesting, collaboration is key for growing business!
Matthew James Donnelly commented on the post, How To Drive Enterprise Collaboration, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
Interesting, collaboration is key for growing business!
Matthew James Donnelly posted an update 9 years, 10 months ago
@tud09783 Searching the interests section I see that you also are interested in Finance. I’d be interested in some of the employment opportunities you’ve had.
Matthew James Donnelly changed their profile picture 9 years, 11 months ago
Matthew James Donnelly wrote a new post on the site MIS2101 – Spring 2015 9 years, 12 months ago
ERP is becoming a common term among businesses for good reason. Ultimately, ERP allows business to operate more effectively and […]
After reading the article I would say that it pointed out many great advantages of RFID implementation in hospitals. It has always been said that the difference between life and death can often depend upon a few seconds; therefore, systems like the RFID that can save time in hospitals could result in many saved lives. However, in regards to your first question, I find it difficult to answer because I myself don’t know of many of the risks associated with RFID in hospitals. The article did not touch on any but you mentioned that radio frequencies being sent out by an RFID could potentially interfere with other radio frequencies in the hospital. You also mentioned cyber risk with regards to hackers. Both these are great examples of risks that did not initially come to my mind and would definitely play a part in the implementation of an RFID program if I were the CEO of a health system (question 2).
I think the utilization of RFID’s would greatly benefits hospitals in treating patients both effectively and efficiently. Even other industries like shipping and parcel services have used RFID’s to track and locate products so I think there use may become more widespread. As far as the possible risks regarding patient information, I don’t think RFID systems would promote hacking considering the same information could be hacked on other hospital servers as well. I see a lot of potential of an RFID system in the healthcare field. With technology, there are always possible issues, but I think the pros of attending to patients much quicker outweigh the potential cons.