Mitchell W Lazzarini posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
I’m currently pursuing my finance degree in hopes of one day working for a hedge fund, mutual fund, or any financial firm. I also have an interest in real-estate, and would like to one day have my own investment properties. Some hobbies of mine include dirtbiking, snowboarding, and soccer. I currently have twenty hours of community service and plan on continuing to dedicate my time towards a good cause. When I was younger I lived in Italy for 8 years and am able to speak Italian fluently. I currently work part time for Sterling Helicopter as a parts manager. I create invoices, work orders, purchase orders etc.. I contact clients to find particular helicopter parts so that the mechanics can fix them. Clients also call me looking for parts and I evaluate the appropriate markup according to their contracts. One class I took that I really enjoyed was financial accounting. I got an A in this class and found it to be very useful in my future finance courses.