Active 4 years, 7 months ago-
Sezgin Ayabakan wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Fall 2017 7 years, 6 months ago
We are all drowning in data, and so is your future employer. Data pours in from sources as diverse as social media, customer loyalty programs, weather stations, smartphones, and credit card purchases. How can you […]
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Sezgin Ayabakan wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Fall 2017 8 years, 3 months ago
Leave your response to the question below as a comment on this post by the beginning of class on December 6. It only needs to be three or four sentences.
What was the most important takeaway (from your p […]
What I learned from this course was that Data Science is getting more and more indispensable in the modern business world. People trust the reliability of the data and, at the same time, doubt the source of the data. Through MIS 0855, I got a great starting point of using data analyzing tools, suck like Tableau and Excel. I also got a chance to present the analyzed data by creating info-graphs through Piktochart. During this process, I learned how to present the data to audiences in a persuasive way. MIS 0855 is a determining starting point for every college student to know about the data around them. Through MIS 0855, the students would be able to gain a general skill of interpreting the data and to present the data in a simple and clear way.
I think an important takeaway from this course is learning to become comfortable and understanding how to use Excel and Tableu. This course allows students to explore and practice logging in information through Excel and Tableu from step by step in class activities. The class introduces students the general understanding of data science and give examples of how it is used in today’s workforce.
The most important thing I have learned from this class was working with data. Before taking this class, I rarely had an idea how to work with excel file and Tableau. Now I know how to clean and organize a dataset before creating a visualization. If I am asked what this class is about, I would explain that this class is about working with data, also a miscellaneous acknowledgment about the world of data that is a part of people’s lives in today’s world.
The ability to learn how to use Tableau was an important takeaway from this class. Tableau is a powerful tool that is helpful in the data science world. This class consisted of learning how to sort, clean, and look for patterns within datasets. It was interesting learning how to interpret the data and use it to answer the questions being asked. This class is about the many uses of data and how valuable it is to the business world. The significance of data science will continue to grow, so this class developed a base understanding of the subject.
The most important takeaway from this course is the fact that we learned about data and many diffrent ways to use the data and understand what it is. The tools like Tableau and Excel were very interesting to learn and it will give you a better understanding about what big data is. Working with data tools like this really will help you become more of a visualization thinker and will make you an expert when it comes to anything related to data.
Not only did I learn more about examining data, but I also learned how to use different programs such as Tableau and Excel. Now that I am more familiar with these programs, they can help benefit me in the future. I also found it interesting how people look at data and receive data in various ways. Overall, this class opened up a new perspective for me that I had never seen before.
If I were talking to a future MIS0855 scholar, one of the things I would tell him is to pay attention to the minor details. There were several times that not doing this hurt my grade in a big way throughout the semester. On the first assignment, I misread what was expected of me in terms of the sources and it is the reason I didn’t get an A. Then on a test, I made one small error on a write-in answer and it ended up costing me an A, instead of a B on the test. So I would just say that they should make sure to be detailed and pay attention to all the tics and tacs of the class.
The most important takeaway for me is learning about how to use Tableau and Excel. I think these two data analyzing tools are really helpful to my future study. From the course, I learned that how to appropriately present and express data in a convince way. Also, the most impressed thing that I learned is SMART criteria, which are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based. Through learning this course, students will be able to skilled use some strategies of analyzing data and exhibiting data in a suitable way.
The most important thing I learnt in this class is how to use Tableau. Tools like Tableau are extremely useful for reorganizing and explaining a database that has much data. Tableau is good because it deeply cut the time we present information from a huge database. The tools in Tableau helped me to make clear charts easily, I wouldn’t feel upset anymore when I face countless data. In my view, MIS0855 is a course that store and manage the outcome of digitized civilization — data. This type of course has bright future and plays an important role in managing data and information in this digital age from now on.
The most important takeaway for me is how to use Tableau, Excel, and Picktochart. I’ve always wanted to learn more about Excel since it is highly used in my field and I’ve learned a lot about it in this class. I also benefited from learning Tableau and Picktochart and I actually started using them in my other classes this semester, and I will definitely use them in the future. I’ve also enjoyed the assignments and how challenging they are sometimes and the incredible feeling of achievement after finishing each assignment.
I found this class to be engaging and the use of Excel and Tableau to be very practical. I feel as though this was a smart class to take to build a foundation of using and understanding statistical analysis in a simplified way. I would definitely recommend this class to anybody in a business major because all of the information we learned will be seen and used in real world applications.
The most important takeaway for me is how to deal with the data by using Tableau. Through this class, I got familiar with analyzing data, sorting data and handling data. My major is statistics and data analysis. I extremely recommend this course for laying a stable foundation for data.
i believe that the most important i learn from the course is know how to collect data, clean data and analysis it. I also know how to simplify data with the help of many tools software like Tableau and Excel. Moreover, my major is MIS which is contain with data and statistics. I totally recommend that this course is the course that set a good foundation for me in data science.
I would have to say my most important take away from this course was how to properly manage data. Anything from sorting data sets, to cleaning them, and how to properly display it in a way that represent your ideas and is understandable to others. I think these skills are something I will use throughout the rest of my academic and professional careers.
I think the most important take away is what is data science and how we collect data, clean them and manage them and also what is tableau and how to use it.
The most important take away from this class for me personally, was that I was introduced to Tableu; which I previously had never heard of. Along with learning about Tableu, I learned how to manage large datasets through organization, analysis, and cleaning. For future MIS students I would say that this class is about detailed analysis of data that requires a high level of focus and dedication to master the skills of managing and using data to solve problems or present information.
The most important take away for me was learning how technology and data are related and becoming really important for the future. Learning how they are interconnected and being introduced to new software like Tableau has enlightened me about data and the influence it has on social media, businesses and statistics within society.
The most important takeaway from this course is knowing how to use tableau. I believe this is a useful tool that can come in handy in the business world in the future. I would tell the future student to make sure to do every step of the in-class exercises as they are very important and also the best way to keep up with the material being taught, this is a hands on class where they need to make sure they are experts in every step of the process.
Overall with the rise of importance of technology and especially data processing this class has been very beneficial -
Well, I would say that if MIS is not your major to not take it. Specifically, if you’re an arts major. Mainly because, it’s complex and seems to be tailored for MIS majors. On the flip side, you do learn how to work with data and that can be beneficial to some non-business majors. For example, producers or marketing majors.
The most important thing I learned from this class was working with data. I Learned to maximize my skill with excel file and Tableau. I’ve developed skills and learned how to clean and organize a dataset before creating any visualization. For any students that were to take the class, I would tell them to apply themselves and do every work and it will be a breeze
The most important that i learned was Tableau. Learning how to anaylize data and work with the different function on the Tableau. Working with data sets and how to properly use them.
The most important takeaway from this class was learning how to manage and use data. Knowing what data is useful when trying to answer a question was a very important takeaway. Also, learning the ins and outs of Tableau was very helpful in this class.
I knew enough about data science coming into the class, but this class taught me about Tableau and it taught me sometimes I can use much simpler tools to come to the same conclusion. Also, I did not know how much you can accomplish with Excel alone. Now, if my project is small and does not require fully custom design, I use excel or Tableau to save some time. The class was helpful and it was a nice environment.
Data is everywhere. There are plenty of ways one can display. Using tools such as Tableau, picktocharts, and infographics are just one of tons of different ways to visualize and analyze the data you collect. In addition to that, the downfall is not all data collection is accurate and is bound to be biased. The key is to take many samples and to the creators need to communicate with users on ways to use the dataset. Or do a test with the public, before making it public.
The most important thing i learned from this course is how to correct data by using tableau. This course can help students who do not know how to collect and analyze those data in outlive. It is upside that we can use Tableau and Excel in the future when we finished this course.
The most important takeaway is that data is in all parts of our lives and being able to manage data in an efficient way is important. Using Excel and Tableau as tools to visualize patterns in data provides communication of ideas in a clean and coherent way. As technology becomes more widespread, there will be more data to interpret and analyze. This ensures that data management and data science will always be very important.
Sezgin Ayabakan wrote a new post on the site MIS 0855: Data Science Fall 2017 8 years, 6 months ago
Here is the syllabus for the course.
You should read the syllabus carefully. Everything you need to know is in this document.