Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, Q&A: Final thoughts (100 second reflection on the course), on the site 6 years, 9 months ago
-In this class I learned how what I’ve learned in other classes, such as ethics and technologies such as ERP, can be applied in a supply chain context. This was helpful to learn how to apply what I’ve learned outside of what was initially taught.
-I would have liked to learn more about emerging technologies that are impacting supply chain suc…[Read more]
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, 8 years, $1 Bn ERP System – Worth It?, on the site 6 years, 9 months ago
ERP implementations take such long periods of time and cost so much because of their scope relative to business processes, applications, and data. An ERP acts as a hub for the entire organization and therefore needs to be used in every department, which all have unique processes and applications that would need to be normalized. This…[Read more]
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, Q&A: Can I/T Help with Ethics / Green in Supply Chains, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
I think one of the more interesting ways that IT can help companies be socially and environmentally responsible is to adopt blockchain in supply chains to source materials responsibly. This is most prevalent in the diamond industry which is adopting this technology in an effort to guarantee customers that their diamonds are conflict free and not…[Read more]
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, 100 Second Reflection: Week 11, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
Starbucks Case
– Partnering with an organization that has extensive knowledge on a subject with a network in the geography you’re trying to enter has a better chance of being successful
– There are multiple ways for an organization to engage in sustainability. For example, there can be economic sustainability (CI and Fair Trade) or e…[Read more] -
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, Amazon delivery and Ethics, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
Amazon can handle this PR problem by developing guidelines for their last mile shippers to follow that mandate that they pay their contractors at least minimum wage and develop systems to help contractors cover costs. By setting these guidelines, Amazon will be able to tell the public that they are taking steps in the right direction to handle the…[Read more]
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, 100 Second Reflection: Week 10, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
Amazon Europe Case
– Amazon had to consider a variety of logistic issues before entering the European market including, but not limited to, shipping and distribution center locations
– Learned about the history of Amazon and how it went from a book company to the massive e-tailer it is todayLecture
– How ethics comes into play in supply…[
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, CIO Perspective, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
-I think that, while Melanie seems like a talented individual, I wonder why she is saddled with so much responsibility. I think it is especially strange that Dow is putting cybersecurity concerns under the CIO and not the CISO.
-I really like how she called out people using “digital” as an all-encompassing suitcase term and said she is foc…[Read more]
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, Future Delivery Methods, on the site 6 years, 10 months ago
I think what Amazon is doing with drone delivery is a great innovation that has a multitude of benefits. First of which is the speed and convenience of delivery. I think a customer segment that will derive the most value from this are parents who are already spread too thin and looking for ways to multitask efficiently as well as deal with the…[Read more]
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, 100 second reflection: Week 8, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
Hulu case
-How content streamers are disrupting and putting pressure on the established players in the market such as cable
-How technology is affecting the creative industry in general
-A clear understanding of a non-physical supply chain like that of HuluLecture
-The difference and interrelation between a business function and business…[Read more] -
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, 100 Second Reflection – Week 7, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
RFID at Metro
-The technological benefits that RFID can provide a retail chain
-The cost considerations when thinking about implementing RFIDRFID Technology
-The many infrastructure components that are needed to make RFID technology work
-Data accurancy improvements that can be realized with RFID at the pallet, case, and product…[Read more] -
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, Amazon: Go – What do you think?, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
I would feel relatively comfortable shopping in a store like this. It doesn’t seem that Amazon is collecting any personal information about me outside of what I provide for routine online purchases (name, credit card information, etc). I would actually prefer this method of shopping because it eliminates that amount of time I spend standing in…[Read more]
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, RFID Videos, on the site 6 years, 11 months ago
-Inventory tracking accuracy through reducing human error from less human contact.
-Process automation by eliminating hands on activities leading to increased efficiency.
-Fulfillment efficiency by reducing the time between warehousing and shipment.
-Efficient use of manpower to enable added value services by reducing repetitive…[Read more] -
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, 100 second reflection for Week 5, on the site 6 years, 12 months ago
This week I learned the following:
Bullwhip Effect: Through the beer game and the in-class lecture, I learned about the disastrous effects small changes in downstream demand can have on upstream supply chain members such as massive inventory carrying costs and backorders. Additionally, I learned the four causes of the bullwhip effect (price…[Read more]
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, Instructions for Beer Game, on the site 7 years ago
Noah Gottlieb
Alex Naydock
Jake Zenisek
Nick Gormley -
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 15, on the site 7 years ago
1. 24/7 uptime: Allows Zappos to pack and ship products faster and maintaining their commitment towards 5-day shipping
2. Efficient packing process: Kiva removes the necessity for packers at the fulfillment center to walk around the warehouse looking for items. Rather, the products are brought to the employee thus doubling…[Read more] -
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 15, on the site 7 years ago
Key Takeaways
1. The competitive advantage that can be realized from a having a flexible supply chain and manufacturing process.
2. How different expansion strategies (vertical integration into materials, acquisition, and product expansion) can be supported by or limit core competencies of an organization.
1. The four impact…[
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 23, on the site 7 years ago
MIS professionals absolutely need to understand supply chains. Based on this diagram there are a multitude of systems that are independent of one another (i.e production planning, transportation planning, and demand planning.). Having a robust understanding of how each system works with each section of the supply chain (procurement, production,…[Read more]
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, 100 Second Reflection: Week 1, on the site 7 years ago
The key points I took away from the first class are:
– There is a large degree of complexity (such as sourcing, manufacturing, shipping, assembly, etc) that goes into putting a product on store shelves than I originally considered.
– Supply chain is a vital business process for most organizations. If an organization can develop an efficient,…[Read more] -
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 29, on the site 7 years ago
Noah Gottlieb (Noah.gottlieb@temple.edu)
Alex Naydock (alex.naydock@temple.edu)
Jake Zenisek (jacob.zenisek@temple.edu)
Michelle Kaplun (Tuc41268@temple.edu)
Nick Gormley (Tuf75864@temple.edu)
Kelly Conger (kelly.conger@temple.edu) -
Noah Gottlieb commented on the post, ICE 5.1 Telling a Story through Visualization, on the site 7 years ago
-Noah Gottlieb
-I interned with Walmart’s Corporate Relations department in 2016 developing analytics for their public relations team. I also interned with PwC this past Summer as a Technology Consultant in their Data and Analytic Technology group and worked on a project implementing a Master Data Management System for a large retail…[Read more] - Load More