Ryan P Boyce commented on the post, Discussion Week 13, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
There are two ways to prevent a packet from reaching a destination address. The packet can either be Dropped or Rejected. The difference lies in the response the sender gets back regarding this prevention. In the case of a Rejection, the sender would receive a response back from where the packet was dropped stating, “Destination Unreachable”. This…[Read more]
Ryan P Boyce commented on the post, Discussion Week 12, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
The biggest difference between TCP and UDP is that UDP does not wait for a response from the receiver packets were received or if they were received in the correct order. TCP segments the packets so that the receiver has a short window to verify that it received all packets and in the proper order. UDP would not be the protocol of choice in…[Read more]
Ryan P Boyce commented on the post, Discussion Week 11, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
Personally, I would not be comfortable with my organization using password crackers in the environment. I think a good motto for anyone in IT security is, “Don’t trust anyone”. Even if there are policies in place that restrict their use to only certain areas or somehow require admins to avoid cracking employee passwords, I would still not be…[Read more]
Ryan P Boyce commented on the post, Discussion Week 6, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
Quantum computing is still some time away from being used extensively and by extensively I mean used by well-funded organizations and governments, even. In this sense, modern cryptography is still a valid means of security. When quantum computing becomes more prevalent, however, what will become of these modern protocols? According to an article…[Read more]
Ryan P Boyce commented on the post, Discussion Week 5, on the site 7 years, 1 month ago
Certainly, as the text states, using proprietary algorithms presents security concerns. If a company expresses to use its own, proprietary version of algorithm, this means that this piece of technology has not been tested in the “wild”. Open source crypto-algorithms have. In order for some piece of security technology to actually be considered…[Read more]
Ryan P Boyce posted a new activity comment 7 years, 4 months ago
I think the right answer will change from organization to organization. For me, I might think about utilizing both policies but instead of white listing the app, I would white list the type of traffic/connections the app wants to use. I would do this after verifying its signature, of course. I might say that any app can run on a system once its…[Read more]
Ryan P Boyce posted a new activity comment 7 years, 5 months ago
My name is Ryan Boyce. I am Linux Systems administrator, predominantly with RedHat Enterprise Linux 5/6/7. I also am a VMware administrator, working with ESX/Vcenter 6. I have scripting/coding experience in Powershell, bash, and Java. I defininitely fall on the technical side of the fence.
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site MIS 5212-Advanced Penetration Testing 7 years, 11 months ago
Researchers from CWI Amsterdam and from Google proved for the first time it is possible to have two different documents with the same SHA-1 value. The teams were able to do this with two different PDFs.The SHA-1 […]
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site MIS 5212-Advanced Penetration Testing 7 years, 11 months ago
Certifications are big business in many industries but especially in the Information Technology sector. In speaking with seasoned IT professionals, I’ve found that popular certifications one year tend to lose […]
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site MIS 5212-Advanced Penetration Testing 7 years, 11 months ago
Executive Summary
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site MIS 5212-Advanced Penetration Testing 7 years, 11 months ago
Written in August of last year, this article from Reuters discusses the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computers. It essentially uses this event to show that the history of one country spying on […]
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site MIS 5212-Advanced Penetration Testing 8 years ago
This article is about the initiatives in Israel to educate youth on cyber technologies and cyber security. According to the article, the country announced a national center for cyber education. Children of all […]
Very interesting news, Ryan.
I am curious why they choose cyber techniques as the primary skill for children. It will be difficult to teach kindergarten children how to code. But it is good to know all the basic cyber knowledge.
Still it stands as a question to me how can they explain cyber-security to kindergarten kids.But if they are planning to do it then there must be some idea behind it.If the plan gets success then a lot of countries should try to replicate in their education system because the humans are the biggest vulnerability for attackers to target and it can create an IT aware environment .
This is really cool what they are teaching the youth in Israel. The tools and content now available to teach computers and coding is very vast. I don’t think it is so much of a challenge to teach kids the basics of coding and cybersecurity. I think the greater challenge is finding teachers in the public school system with the knowledge to teach these topics. I don’t know many kindergarten teachers that are coding javascript on the side.
I have three toddlers and they are very intrigued by all the technology available to them. Last weekend, we built a simple robot powered by Raspberry Pi in just an hour. When you pressed space bar, an LED light connected to the GPIO pins blinked and the robot said a silly phrase we recorded. We used Scratch to code the robot. Now, the kids couldn’t do this all on their own, but they really learned and absorbed a ton of information in just one hour!
Very good article Ryan. Other countries should do the same as this is something that’ll pay off big time in the long run. Many years from now, cyber security will not only be a strategy, but also a mentality and this is a smart way to start preparing for it.
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site MIS 5212-Advanced Penetration Testing 8 years ago
According to the Washington Post in this article by Gizmodo, as may as 123 of 187 cctv cameras were infected with malware during the inauguration in DC. The article does not suggest as to whom is or even could be […]
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site MIS 5212-Advanced Penetration Testing 8 years ago
If Metasploit does not start/cannot connect to the DB, in a separate terminal run:
>sudo service postgresql start
>sudo service metasploit start
This should work. Thanks.
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 8 years, 2 months ago
Executive Summary
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 8 years, 2 months ago
This article is slightly dated-it’s the forecast for the 2015 holiday season and cyber crimes associated with that time of year. One, I would assume, can be almost certain that the forecast for this season is […]
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 8 years, 3 months ago
This article discusses the current state of US-Russian relations. To say the relationship between the two superpowers is not good would be an understatement. The US has repeatedly accused Russia of hacking an […]
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 8 years, 3 months ago
Executive Summary
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 8 years, 3 months ago
This is a great article about infamous Social Engineering attacks throughout history. The author’s tongue-in-cheek tone makes light of the intrusions, yet the damages each caused were anything but humerus. What’s […]
I really like the RSA SecurID Breach .Usually people tell its gullible people tricked into social engineering but there are also employees working in security company getting tricked .It is expected from employees of such company to be aware of such social engineering tricks.This also reveals how can the zero day attacks could be a lot dangerous
Ryan P Boyce wrote a new post on the site ITACS 5211: Introduction to Ethical Hacking 8 years, 4 months ago
This article discusses one way in which a hacker can easily enumerate through authors or users of WordPress sites. To do this, the hacker takes the url of the site and places it within this url: […]
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