Sean Patrick Walsh posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
Domain 1 Quiz 1 50 Questions 68%
Sean Patrick Walsh posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
Domain 1 Quiz 2 50 Questions 84%
Sean Patrick Walsh commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 16, on the site 8 years ago
I had never really considered this until reading your post. I could see this being a valuable tool for debt collectors. Since laws have been passed that now penalize debt collectors if they contact your place of employment or your neighbors they have had to find other more creative ways to contact and/or harass their targets. Since debt collectors…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 8 years ago
What may be the world’s first known digital weapon showed up in Iran in January 2010. The virus, which became known as Stuxnet, was causing Iran’s centrifuges used to enrich Uranium to operate in overspeed […]
Sean Patrick Walsh commented on the post, Week 03 – Discussion Question 3, on the site 8 years ago
You raise some great risks Paul, but are they limited to Millennials? I might argue that those issues aren’t limited to just Millennials, but you might be able to argue the prevalence might at least be greater than other generations. I definitely agree that the pros and cons of the Millennial technology aspect have to be carefully considered in…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 8 years ago
European nations are definitely concerned about privacy, and this is just another great example of that mentality. I am always telling people with children to be careful sharing photos online because of the metadata attached to photos which could tell people with bad intentions a lot of information that parents wouldn’t want available about their…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh commented on the post, Week 03 – Discussion Question 3, on the site 8 years ago
I agree wholeheartedly! The dynamic work environments full of change today are much more aligned to the lifestyles of many Millennials that do not seek stagnation or complacency other generations may have before them. Their desire for a challenging and meaningful work environment will be a benefit to the types of businesses that operate in those…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh commented on the post, Week 03 – Discussion Question 3, on the site 8 years ago
Yes! I think Millennials are going to handle technological change much more efficiently and effectively than their preceding generations have. Since Millennials have grown up in what can easily be described as a “change generation” they will already have the ability to respond to change rapidly. Their response may also be more positive to change…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 8 years ago
A supervisory committee is a board appointed committee that oversees a credit union’s operational record keeping. The committee ensures annual audits are conducted by external parties and then make recommendations […]
Sean Patrick Walsh posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
I don’t think anybody is surprised that there is a growing trend of data analytics being outsourced. Like many other functions, especially IT related, before this there are a number of reasons why to outsource; cut costs, focus on core competencies, lack of resources, etc.. I think many businesses are quick to consider outsourcing aspects of its…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 8 years, 1 month ago
I agree with you that “the Faker” may be the worst type of auditor from the auditee perspective. Although it may be easy for some auditees to spot a faker for others the faker may slip through the cracks. Slipping through the cracks and becoming a trusted authority on the topic of audit is where the faker can cause the most serious damage to a…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh commented on the post, "From Fiction To Fact: The Cybercrime Threats Of The Future", on the site 8 years, 1 month ago
Last year I watched a segment on television, not sure if it was on the news or a nightly show, about ransomware and its prevalence in the healthcare industry. Various hospitals have been the targets of increased ransomware attacks in the past few years. The attackers are focusing their attacks on the hospitals’ records and data with the…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh commented on the post, Big Data, Financial Services and Privacy, on the site 8 years, 1 month ago
The article you discussed is quite interesting. I think the European Banking Authority is dead on with its core concern about the financial sector. If the use of big data being collected by the industry erodes the integrity of the financial sector, the fallout could be calamitous to say the least. I’m not sure that “consulting with the industry to…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 8 years, 1 month ago
Whether people personally agree with government assistance or benefits programs they are in place and available to those who meet the qualifications of eligibility. Like just about anything that has money or some […]
Sean Patrick Walsh commented on the post, Segregation of Duties and Collusion:, on the site 8 years, 1 month ago
Well if I remember correctly from Ed’s slides, 42% of from comes from line employees and 36% from managers. Since the majority of instances of fraud happen in those two groups it would be prudent for the business’s mandated vacation policy to affect those two groups to help mitigate the opportunity to hide any fraud being conducted. Like you…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh posted a new activity comment 8 years, 1 month ago
I think you offered some great points about the aspects of the Millennial generation that may offer benefits to the Audit and Assurance profession. I think your point about Millennials challenging the mantra of “that’s how it’s always been done” can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, Millennials may find many areas to improve with modern…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 8 years, 1 month ago
Blake, I agree with your underlying premise of which aspect of technology is more important. I’m not sure any person will ever achieve a full depth of knowledge regarding a technology based purely on the dynamic environment that technology is. The moment a person may think they have a full and complete understanding of a specific technology a new…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh posted a new activity comment 8 years, 1 month ago
One of the greatest ways the Millennial generation is going to impact the audit and assurance profession is in the IT aspect. The Millennial generation has had access to rapidly changing technology from their cradles to where they are at in their lives currently. This access to technology, and the exponential change in it, throughout their lives…[Read more]
Sean Patrick Walsh posted a new activity comment 8 years, 1 month ago
I can think of two ways businesses can implement complementary controls to reinforce Segregation of Duties controls; geography and mandated leave.
Most of the “teeth” in SOX apply strictly to publicly traded companies, and those types of companies are typically quite large and spread over a large area of the country or even the planet. In that…[Read more] -
Sean Patrick Walsh posted a new activity comment 8 years, 1 month ago
Very interesting article on big data, or more specifically its failure to deliver on its promise. Well, the promise of those who made a living pushing its adoption by enterprises. I think the author makes a great argument that the failure may be directly tied to the idea that we as human beings are trying to rely on our cognitive ability in…[Read more]
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