Tyler A Gaber joined the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 Sec 2 – Messina 8 years ago
Tyler A Gaber posted a new activity comment 9 years, 6 months ago
My experience with CHC has been a major learning experience. I have learned a lot about the field in which I am seeking a degree and an even larger amount about myself. I have learned how to be social and how to handle the many different challenges the workplace has to offer such as workplace relationships. I was offered to stay at CHC either full…[Read more]
Tyler A Gaber posted a new activity comment 9 years, 6 months ago
I learned that there is always a lot of office “drama.” No matter how well the company is producing, drama is always present and needs to be noted in everyday interactions with others. Some people just do not get along with others and there is nothing you can do to change that. Another thing I learned is how to build different relationships wit…[Read more]
Tyler A Gaber posted a new activity comment 9 years, 7 months ago
Database management is one of the most crucial things I have learned in the classroom and applied to my internship. Creating a clean and manageable database has proven to be one of the most useful skills for this specific internship. I find myself being able to draw up ERDs quickly and effectively, normally creating a proper ERD the first time,…[Read more]
Tyler A Gaber posted a new activity comment 9 years, 7 months ago
For my sanity, I try to keep a very detailed schedule through Google Calendar. By scheduling out my day in 30 minute increments, I have found that I can manage my school work and internship while maintaining a social life as well. I even go as far as schedule time for scheduling to make sure that every aspect of my life is scheduled out so I can…[Read more]
Tyler A Gaber posted a new activity comment 9 years, 8 months ago
The most important skills I have discovered while in my internship is resourcefulness and understanding. I am used to an office which is decently competent with technology, yet this position has shown that not all businesses are alike in this matter. I find myself needing to explain an entire system such as a website platform or customer database…[Read more]
Tyler A Gaber posted a new activity comment 9 years, 8 months ago
• The most important skills I have discovered while in my internship is resourcefulness and understanding. I am used to an office which is decently competent with technology, yet this position has shown that not all businesses are alike in this matter. I find myself needing to explain an entire system such as a website platform or customer d…[Read more]
Tyler A Gaber wrote a new post on the site Tyler Gaber's E-Portfolio 10 years, 2 months ago
Temple University Computer Service’s Help Desk Technical Consultant: August 2012 – Current
Within Temple University’s Computer Services’ Help Desk I am a technical consultant, […]
Tyler A Gaber commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site MIS 2101 Sec 005 Spring 2014 10 years, 9 months ago
Tyler Gaber
MIS 2101 005
Professor O’Donnell