Tyler P. Sliney commented on the post, Music Streaming Services: When the Artists Fight Back., on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
I wouldn’t be surprised if this became popular based on the Dre Beats model. While Dre Beats were not the first headphones to offer that level of quality audio, and there are other brands that make an even better headphone, they were able to market them in a hip way that made the younger generation desire them. This sounds like it will…[Read more]
Tyler P. Sliney commented on the post, Well Boss, I Think You Need Some Improvement, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
I think it is important to commuixcate with your boss as opposed to saving that conversation for a single performance review. It becomes near impossible for a manager to truly provide the amount of though and effort a employee deserves when trying to better themselves in the work environment. There are most likely other employees your manager is…[Read more]
Tyler P. Sliney commented on the post, Legal or Not?, on the site 9 years, 10 months ago
It’s hard to say whether I would feel comfortable on the road with an autonomous vehicle as it is so early in development. If the technology does prove to be reliable, there is no reason this shouldn’t become mandatory for every driver. The first things I think about are that a progrom operating a vehicle cannot be distracted by their cell phones,…[Read more]
Tyler P. Sliney wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 9 years, 10 months ago
China is investing $370 billion dollars into 2 nuclear reactors as an effort to reduce carbon emissions produced by burning coal. This effort is a result of a agreement with the U.S. to help address China’s increasing problem of air pollution and carbon emissions. With this movement China plans to triple their nuclear capacity by 2020. China currently has 24 reactors in operation, and generates almost 20% of its electricity through atomic power. This is less than countries such as France who generate about 75% of it’s energy atomically, but greater than the average country which generaetes about 10% of it’s energy atomically. With this technology being so heavily invested in, what does that mean for coal companiers, and similiarly for the state of the energy industry? Will atomic energy continue to grow and eventually be the primary source of energy country by country?
China will spend $370 billion building nuclear reactors over the next decade
Tyler P. Sliney wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 9 years, 11 months ago
With every technology there are downfalls & glitches. I feel that, while robotic surgery is a fascinating topic, it could never realistically fully replace the human factor needed to perform many of our complex surgeries. It will definately be awhile before we see robotic procedures carried out as the norm, if at at all. With that said, I do see that value in having robotic systems as surgery assistants or aids. Simple surgery could also beneift from the automation of robotic surgery.
I feel like we shouldn’t allow robotic surgery to an extent. I think it could be used to help a surgeon, but I don’t think the surgeon should be replaced. With robots becoming more and more popular someone needs to stop and think about what is going to happen when robots replace all of our jobs, what will happen to our economy? That being said I wouldn’t feel that comfortable with a robot performing surgery on me. I know that the robot can probably do the surgery perfectly, if there are no bugs in the software, but I don’t know if I would like that.
I personally would not feel comfortable with a robot operating on me. There are things that human doctors can deal with based on gut instinct and training. What if there are variations in the human body, would a robot be able to account for that? As time goes on I assume that robots would become more and more skilled, but until then leave the humans in charge.
On a side note, having robot doctors would totally disrupt the health care system, perhaps for the better. If your operation is based off of some lines of code, procedures would drop dramatically in price. Definitely an interesting article, and was worth the read.
Tyler P. Sliney wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 9 years, 11 months ago
Tyler P. Sliney wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 10 years ago
As a citizen, student, employee, or social media user, one should always be mindful of the content they post online. Once its out there, anybody can see it. That being said, the subject of government content removal is concerning. I can absolutely see how one would interpret content removal requests as censorship and a violation of freedom of speech. Citizens should have the right to post whatever they please, but also need to understand the consequences that some content may cause.
I agree with Michael in that one should always be mindful of the content someone posts online. However, as Americans we have freedom of speech so I do not think the Government should have the right to remove content. Its a little concerning that the Government can access our social media accounts, but I am not surprised. Even though my accounts are private, I post as if anyone can see them because in reality, nothing is private.
Tyler P. Sliney wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 10 years ago
We have recently discussed the current role and impact of IT in various organizations and industries but where will IT have the strongest impact next? Zdnet.com has recently published an article of the top 10 industries IT is likely going to affect and I would like to discuss three of the industries I found most interesting. 1.) Farming – Farming is the industry Zdnet believes will be most impacted by IT in the coming years as arable land is diminishing and climate changes hurt yields. There is currently a startup company that uses soil quality and weather data to plan the best places to plant. 6.) Healthcare was the ranked sixth and is of particular interest as it is the industry I currently work in. As an IT professional at a healthcare company I witness technology projects improving customer experience through intuitive new apps everyday, and expect this trend to continue. 10.) The final industry cited was water that is experiencing companies such as Valor Water using technology to identify and monitor leaks and water waste in the home so that individuals can conserve water ande save money.
Where do these industries fall in the professor Hohne’s quadrant defining IT culture by industry? Can you guess what other industries were in the top 10?
Tyler P. Sliney wrote a new post on the site MIS4596 Section 2 Spring 2015 10 years ago
Tyler P. Sliney commented on the post, Weekly Question #7: Complete by November 10, 2016, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 2 months ago
Personally my experience with MIS2502 has been the most beneficial class I have taken at Temple. As a MIS major it was my first hands on experience with tools I will most likely be utilizing in future jobs and […]
Tyler P. Sliney commented on the post, Week 13 Question: due November 21, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 2 months ago
Expansion is an option most companies need to consider at some point, and knowing where and when to expand could be a matter of success or fail. Decision trees can play a vital role in the success of an expansion […]
Tyler P. Sliney commented on the post, Week 9 Question: Due November 2, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 3 months ago
Data mining is a useful and insightful tool ifor multiple aspects of business. One of the biggest fields that benefit from data mining is marketing. For example, when since I have made multiple purchases from […]
Tyler P. Sliney commented on the post, Bonus Marks: SAS Account Setup, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 3 months ago
Tyler P. Sliney commented on the post, Week 7 Question: Due October 19, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 3 months ago
This segment of the course provided an interesting and new experience for me through the use of pivot tables. It was interesting to see how you can organize data and alter the visualizations in which it […]
Tyler P. Sliney commented on the post, Weekly Question #5: Complete by February 25, 2016, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 4 months ago
I work for a bar in Center City Philadelphia called the Wrap Shack. The owner wants to collect some data in order to put time and focus in the most practical areas of the business. He wants to know what are the […]
Tyler P. Sliney commented on the post, Weekly Question #8: Complete by November 2, 2017, on the site MIS2502 – Data Analytics 12 years, 5 months ago
1.) Data can be defined as simply raw uncatergorized facts, while information is known as the transformation of these facts into useful, observational content. It is evident that both data and information are […]
Tyler P. Sliney commented on the post, Submit your e-Portfolio here, on the site Information Systems in Organizations 12 years, 8 months ago
Tyler P. Sliney changed their profile picture 12 years, 8 months ago
Tyler P. Sliney changed their profile picture 12 years, 8 months ago