Yang Li Kang posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago
Session Score: 66%
Total Time: 0:42:00
Number of Questions: 50
Average Time: 0:00:50 -
Yang Li Kang posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago
Domain 1 Quiz 1: 77%
Yang Li Kang posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago
Domain 2 Quiz 3
Yang Li Kang posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago
Sorry, the score was 74%
Yang Li Kang posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago
Domain 1 Quiz 2: 72%
Yang Li Kang commented on the post, NCA: Young Cyber-Criminals Looking for Sense of Achievement, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
I agree too. Nurturing young cyber talents is definitely a much better prospective then spending resources to hunt them down. As we heard from Mike Green’s presentation, the hacking community have their own culture. Young people who were drawn into hacking were immersed into the hacking culture. Most of these young hacker perform cyber attacks not…[Read more]
Yang Li Kang commented on the post, Few keep track of their personal data on online, on the site 7 years, 10 months ago
It is quite alarming how the large majority of the public willingly publicize their personal information online because they are are unaware of how the information they put out can be used against them. For example, as business school students, we know that our potential employers can easily look up our social media to have a glimpse of our…[Read more]
Yang Li Kang commented on the post, Gmail Hack to identify email id leaks to spammers, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
Thank you for sharing. That is interesting and useful indeed. However, the part about sharing your email address without permission may not be true. As we all know, whenever we sign up or register for something. There are always terms and condition that we agree to without reading. There may be something in the T&C that allows them to share your…[Read more]
Yang Li Kang posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
The articles selected for this week are mostly focused on the soft skills required for our profession. After all, we are working with people, even thought we are IT Auditors. There are plenty of opinions regarding the so-called “Millennial” generation. This the generation you will most likely be working with as you mature in your career. How do…[Read more]
Yang Li Kang posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Based on Dr. Ed Glebstein, Ph.D. article “Is There Such a Thing as a Bad Auditor”, I believe that “The Bureaucrat” is the worst type from the standpoint of the auditee. The bureaucrat creates an illusion of work and activity being done but is in fact doing meaningless tasks that does not add value to the organization. Often times, the bur…[Read more]
Yang Li Kang posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Technology changes at mind-boggling speeds, and it greatly affects businesses and enterprises. What do you consider to be more important, depth of knowledge in technology, or its impact on the enterprise?
From a cyber security perspective, I believe that depth of knowledge in technology is more important. In the world of cyber security,…[Read more]
Yang Li Kang commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 16, on the site 7 years, 12 months ago
Yes, that is true. In this day and age, there are just too much data out there. Organizations who intend to use data will need to be able to weed out the important information from all the noise and draw reasonable conclusion from the information they gather. They should also not mistake correlation and causation and draw false conclusions.
Yang Li Kang commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 8 years ago
Great article Mengting! It is scary to think that hackers can put civilian lives in danger by hacking driverless cars and especially airplanes. I am glad to see that companies are taking initiative to hire hackers to hack and find vulnerabilities in their our system.
Yang Li Kang wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 8 years ago
When it comes to cyber threats, we often hear lack awareness is one of the reasons why companies do not conduct proper cyber security measures. However, an article I read conducted a survey to find that a large […]
Yang Li Kang commented on the post, The Cybersecurity Culture in America, on the site 8 years ago
Great post!
I also read an article that contradicts yours a little. The article I read conducted a survey and found out that a large percentage of companies are fully aware of cyber threats and its consequences but more than half of them are not prepared or invested enough is cyber security.
Yang Li Kang wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 8 years ago
According to the Crime Survey of England and Wales, it was estimated that fraud and cyber security now account for close to half of all crime, making it more likely for citizens to be a victim of these crimes than […]
Yang Li Kang wrote a new post on the site MIS5208 Spring 2017 8 years ago
My name is Yang Li Kang. I am a second semester ITACS student concentrating on the IT auditing track. Prior to this program, I completed my undergraduate degree in Actuarial Science with a minor in MIS. I realized […]
Yang Li Kang posted a new activity comment 8 years, 2 months ago
How do OS’s bridge between virtual and physical? Be able to describe the process from end-to-end.
I don’t understand what is this referring to. Could you please explain it. Thanks
Yang Li Kang posted a new activity comment 8 years, 2 months ago
Hi Patrick,
Could you go over how a PC starts and how hardwares interact with each other?
From my understanding, a PC starts when:
Electricity from the wall goes into the power supply which transform the electricity into a level of voltage that wont fry the hardwares. Power is then sent to hardisk and motherboard which powers up the…[Read more]
Yang Li Kang posted a new activity comment 8 years, 2 months ago
Is the Common Credentials section of the exercise suppose to be answered? I have searched for and tried multiple common usernames and and passwords and I am unable to gain access.
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Companies have to walk the fine line between incurring expense and protection from cyber breaches. In-depth risk assessments should be conducted to provide corporations with information to be able to make sound strategic plans with respect to securing their information (and the information of their customers). The other challenge companies face is finding ways to implement controls without inconveniencing their customers while doing so. In this day and age of ecommerce, customers want security, but they also want applications that are easy to use and quick. Often, companies will compromise security if it means giving the customer what they want. What is ultimately being missed is the potential cost of a security breach. If IT security is not factored into corporate objectives, the long term impact of security breaches will not be assessed with respect to the company’s bottom line. The 2013 Target breach comes to mind… I am sure in retrospect, the executives at Target wish they had considered the potential impact of a cybersecurity breach…BEFORE 2013!