ERP Systems MIS 5121 – Spring 2016

Business Processes, Systems & Controls

Real World Control Failure Presentations

Instructions for the presentation


  1. Submit the presentation to me via email (at – no later than noon the day the case study is to be discussed in class. The file should be in Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt or pptx) format.
  2. Late submissions will not receive assignment credit


  1. Use the presentation template provided.
  2. Briefly (3 slides max) discuss the:
    1. Background or Context of the control failure scenario
    2. Control Failures that occurred
    3. Results of the control failures that occurred
    4. What Could / Should those in authority Have Done Differently  e.g. What could have prevented the control failure or mitigated the extent of the failure?
    5. Provide reference to information about the failure

Presentation Style: Points will also be awarded for presentation style. Here are some tips that you may want to note:

  1. Remember that the slides are not the presentation. Avoid reading verbatim from the slides.
  2. Make sufficient eye contact with the class. It is not a good idea to read prepared notes directly.
  3. Make the slides sufficiently interesting. For example, you can include pictures or videos related to the company.
  4. Formal attire is not required for this presentation.

MidTerm Study Guide

The test will contain a variety of question types (True / False, multiple choice, choose from list, short answer).  The questions will pertain  to the topics that we discussed in the class.

The study guide below contains the list of relevant topics for the exam.

You may use this Study guide annotated with your notes (6 pages max) when taking the exam.


Click Here for the Study Guide

Class Video Capture

The Fox school makes it relatively easy for professors to capture the video of the classes.  It’s another way for you to participate if you cannot attend class or to review certain sections of a class lecture of discussion.

As best I can, I’ll capture all the classes and post the links here.  Unfortunately, I have a habit of pausing the video capture during breaks and not turning on.

This link has all the video’s for the class.  In addition the individual classes are here:

Week 1  January 11    Introduction

Week 2  January 25  Business Process, Assertions, Procurement Exercise

Week 3  February 1 Fraud, Procurement Exercise

Week 4  February 8 Order to Cash Process, Control Types

Week 5  February 15 Master Data, Inventory, OTC Shipping

Week 6  February 22 OTC Invoicing, Payment Receipt

Week 7  March 7  General IT Controls, Financial Controls

Week 8  March 14  Authorizations 1

Week 9  March 21  User Mgmt, SOD

Week 10  March 28  Data Migration / Interfaces, SODs

Week 11  April 4  Change Mgmt, Risk/Control Framework

Week 12  April 11  System Development Controls

Week 13  April 18  Auditing (Guest) and Emergency Access

Week 14  April 25  SAP (Guest), GRC and Character