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Computer Literacy Test Administrator

fox-sobI am currently working as an Administrator for  the Fox Business school’s computer literacy test. Passing the computer literacy test (CLT) is a requirement for Fox Business students in order to graduate. I am in charge of setting up these tests, administering them, and submitting the results.

I spend about half an hour getting classes of anywhere between twenty and thirty students registered so they can take the exam. Once they are registered, I go through a practice exam and answer any questions the students might have about the actual test itself. I then troubleshoot any computer issues while the students take the fifty minute exam. Once everyone has completed the test, I upload the grades to the CLT registration website and make sure that the students who have passed are able to register for future courses.

This job often has technological setbacks such as power failures or uncooperative hardware which requires quick decision making and adapting to changes.

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