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FedEx Ground

FedExGroundLogoOver the summer of 2013 I worked as a loader at FedEx Ground, which was a physical job that taught me the ins and outs of a large distribution company. My shifts would typically be around four to five hours, and from the minute I clocked in it was non-stop high-speed work. I was trained in making sure that each and every package was sorted into the correct truck and shipped to the proper destination. I was expected to load between 450 and 500 boxes an hour of all different shapes and sizes. This included larger packages, called “incompatibles”, which were items varying from flat screen TV’s to tractor tires.

Depending on how busy the flow of packages was, I may have been in charge of anywhere from two to six different trucks. If there was a large influx of packages at one time, I would work with multiple co-workers in one truck to make sure that the truck didn’t get too backed up. I realized the importance of quotas considering if one truck was backed up, the entire loading dock became backed up. My employment at FedEx showed me just how critical precision and timeliness is when working at a corporation.

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