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R Integration in PowerBI & Tableau

R Integration in PowerBI & Tableau

  • Business Problem: The BI/Analytics team wants to migrate its R codes to PowerBI and Tableau to have better data visualization
  • Overview: Research R integration capabilities, developed a PoC (proof of concept) and use cases of migrating R codes into data visualization tools such as PowerBI and Tableau, and perform a comparison analysis
  • Skills: Requirement Gathering, Tableau, PowerBI, R
  • My Tasks:
    • Conducted online research and took online courses to self-learned PowerBI and R integration capabilities
    • Developed a comparison analysis in PowerPoint and created step-by-step use cases of R capabilities in PowerBI & Tableau
    • Proactively scheduled meetings with SMEs to gather their requirements and get early feedback on use cases
    • Presented both the analysis and use cases to the BI/Analytics team
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