Presentation Tips

As our presentations draw closer, I did some research on how best to present ideas to the panel of judges who would be considered angel investors.

I found a nice Forbes article by Carmine Gallo with five tips.

1) The pitch should have a compelling story as opposed to only being data-driven as angel investors take on more of a mentor role by providing emotional as well as financial support. 2) He then suggests using pictures to tell the story as they make the presentation more memorable than words. 3) The presenters should be passionate about their product during their pitch. 4) If the product does not solve a problem, investors will likely not care about it. I found this odd as this would usually be the first thing mentioned in many of the other pitch tips I browsed through. He must have assumed a good product was envisioned or else you wouldn’t be pitching the idea. 5) And lastly, share the stage. Since everyone is required to present, this will show a cohesive group where everyone played a part.

Is this advice common knowledge? Do you think these tips will actually help your presentations?

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