The FOX MIS community grows stronger every day and now has 2562 unique blogs, 3808 registered students, faculty, staff, and alumni members and 947 active e-portfolios. Since January 2009, 9,936 posts, 25,815 comments, and more than 100 courses have been generated on the site. According to Google Analytics, since March 2011, more than a hundred thousand (105,131) unique visitors have viewed the site.
The community is based on the FOX MIS community platform, a set of software tools and templates based on WordPress and BuddyPress which enable social education – a concept that integrates learning, teaching, professional development, placement, administration, and socialization by applying social media and Web 2.0 concepts.
The FOX MIS community platform implements the social education concept by enabling connections, community building, and content management. Every member – student, faculty, and staff – is a socially connected content generator and manager. In social education, the FOX MIS community becomes an important part of the day-to-day life of the student and fits between their Facebook (friends and family) and their LinkedIn community (formal professional connections).
During the period, November 01, 2011 to December 01, 2011, the main site received 12,706 unique visitors with a total of 25,713 visits, and 81,115 page views. Each visitor spent an average of about 4 minutes on the site and 43% of the visitors were new for that month. 45% of the visitors found the site through a search engine while about 37% directly entered the URL. The most frequently used identifiable search term was “foxmis”. The most frequently visited page was the home page, followed by the login page, and then the grade book page.
The pattern is somewhat different from six months ago: During the period April 01, 2011 to May 01, 2011 the site received 8,902 unique visitors, with a total of 22,754 visits, and 66,420 page views. Each visitor spent an average of about 4 minutes on the site and about 33% of the visitors were new that month. 37% of the visitors found the site through a search engine with about 46% entering a direct URL. The most frequently used identifiable search term was also “foxmis”. The most frequently visited page was still the home page followed by the grade book page.
Note: The above statistics are only for the main blog, they do not include the 2000+ other blogs on the site.
Learn more about the FOX MIS Community project.