Daria Gbor commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 16, on the site 5 years, 9 months ago
Wow! I loved watching this video! I have never heard of Google Duplex before, but that video was really amazing. When I read the title of this, I assumed it was going to be similar to Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa. The Google Duplex differs from Siri or Alexa because it is much closer to a real personal assistant since it can make actual phone…[Read more]
Daria Gbor commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 9, on the site 5 years, 9 months ago
Facial recognition plays a huge role in our safety today. A few years ago, the sheriff in Washington wouldn’t have been able to find the criminal as fast as he could today with Amazon Rekognition. It helped the sheriff identify and capture the criminal much faster which means there are less criminals out on the streets. I believe this is…[Read more]
Daria Gbor wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 10 months ago
Ohio is currently building a SmartLane on one of its’ busy interstates, Interstate 670.This SmartLane is actually just the left shoulder of the highway that can be opened in an attempt to reduce traffic congestion […]
Daria Gbor wrote a new post on the site Daria Gbor 5 years, 10 months ago
Ohio is currently building a SmartLane on one of its’ busy interstates, Interstate 670.This SmartLane is actually just the left shoulder of the highway that can be opened in an attempt to reduce traffic congestion […]
Daria Gbor commented on the post, We can finally use cash in stores?, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
The title of this article caught my eye. I find it ironic looking at the history of payment methods in stores that cash used to be the only option and people were excited when there was another payment method, but now people are getting excited about cash coming back. We wanted to use more credit card transactions, but we are also not totally…[Read more]
Vanessa Marin and Daria Gbor are now friends 5 years, 11 months ago
Daria Gbor wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 11 months ago
There is a new and easy way to learn a language and it is not the Rosetta Stone. It’s actually just a Google Chrome extension! Language Learning with Netflix is a free Google Chrome extension that makes it easy […]
This new technology resonated with my past experiences. I also use a similar method when I had first start to learn English after my immigration. Instead of comparing two subtitles to learn a new language, I had compared English words with pictures as they transcend languages. I can see how this new feature would immensely help people learning language as like exercise, people only commit to something if there is an intrinsic motivation. Not many people would like to study hard but if they can learn languages by watching their favorite movies, then they would jump at the chance. The only downside to this feature is that people must multitask between two subtitles and the movies itself. I do not know the effectiveness of learning languages this way compare to the single mindedness of traditional learning.
This is definitely a cool new way to learn a language. I think that this could definitely make learning a new language fun. I took four years of French in High School, and don’t remember a thing. I think that learning a language could be easier when it involves something that the learner is already interested in, such as watching a favorite show. I would be curious to see statistics on what users find easier, and what is more effective when it comes to learning a new language. Learning a language is tough but also has tremendous value especially in the business world. New easier ways like this to learn a language only make it less intimidating to learn, and I welcome that.
This is really interesting! I didn’t know such a thing existed but I’d definitely use it. I think that using technology as a learning device is the basic mission of many tech centric organizations and programs so I feel that this initiative is very productive and will be impactful to language learners.
Daria Gbor commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 29, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I have never heard of Project Alias before, but I could see this being used by many people. A lot of people are scared of technology and refuse to buy things such as the Google Home because of the privacy invasion concern. I believe Project Alias could help people trust Google Home more and in turn boost sales of the Google Home. This reminds me…[Read more]
Daria Gbor commented on the post, Watch Out, QVC! Amazon is on Your Tail., on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
It is very interesting to see how Amazon continues to evolve itself over these last few years. I am wondering when the peak of Amazon will be, how far will they go? They are definitely not done. They continue to try out new strategies, such as the live streaming, and they continue to succeed. I can see Amazon getting involved in real estate. With…[Read more]
Daria Gbor wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 11 months ago
In today’s world it is not uncommon to have a business meeting over a video conferencing application such as WebEx or Skype for Business. The opportunity to use a video conferencing application to virtually join a […]
Daria Gbor commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 29, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I think Steve Jobs was just an amazing presenter. He was so confident and proud in his presentations that it generated trust and the audience felt confident about the new product too. He also knew how to grow anticipation in the crowd. The way he was describing an iPhone, before saying it was an iPhone, even had me at the edge of my seat and I…[Read more]
Daria Gbor changed their profile picture 6 years, 2 months ago
Daria Gbor changed their profile picture 7 years, 4 months ago
Daria Gbor posted a new activity comment 7 years, 7 months ago
One business question we could answer is whether or not a person would eat at a new vegan restaurant. We could use factors such as gender, age, income, martial status, lifestyle, kids, etc. Some advice on choosing the right predictors is to chose the ones that are statistically significant. Basically, chose the relevant predictors that make a…[Read more]
Daria Gbor posted a new activity comment 7 years, 7 months ago
The New York Times uses R for interactive features, data journalism, and data visualization. For example, they created a visualization to show Mariano Rivera’s baseball performance in comparison to other MLB pitchers’ performances. The graphic started as a hand-drawn sketch but then was created…[Read more]
Daria Gbor posted a new activity comment 7 years, 7 months ago
This graphic shows 77 different cocktails to order from a bar and I think it is a very good example of data visualization. The graphic is very easy to read and follow. The way the drinks are organized in the graphic, by the time throughout a day to order the drink, tell…[Read more]
Daria Gbor posted a new activity comment 7 years, 7 months ago
One of the trickiest things for me about creating an ERD from a problem description is the entity/attribute identification. Sometimes I have trouble determining if a certain noun is supposed to be its’ own entity or if it just belongs as an attribute of another entity. In the process of determining that, I have to figure out where to place it in…[Read more]
Daria Gbor posted a new activity comment 7 years, 8 months ago
Hello! I used to work at a small bagel shop back at home called 3 Men & a Bagel. Last summer we opened up a new location. Looking at the register totals for each day of the week (raw data) we realized that this location was busiest on Thursdays & Fridays (information). Using this information, my manager put an extra person on shift for every…[Read more]
Daria Gbor created the site Daria Gbor 7 years, 8 months ago
I think the smartlane is a great way to help improve traffic congestion, especially in highly congested highways. This is similiar to New York’s high occupancy vehicles lane where, in order to try to improve traffic flow, the city designed a lane that can be used if there are a minimum of 2 people in the car and during a certain part of the day. Ohio was able to come up with an idea that incorporates technology to help reduce traffic and I think it’s going to save commuters a bunch of time. For Philadelphia, they should also try to incorporate some sort of fast lane in case accidents happens or try to reduce traffic congestion during rush hour.