John X. Dinh commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 1, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
This is great for Norway and an even greater initiative that may motivate the rest of the world to switch over to electric more rapidly. My only issue to fully electric car is that the recharge process is still inconveniently too long compared to stopping at a gas station. I believe our current battery technology have not advanced to the point…[Read more]
John X. Dinh commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 1, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
I love the idea behind Blade. Congested cities, such as New York City and Los Angeles, are overdue for a solution to their gruesome traffic. Granted, it is a very expensive option of transportation. Similar to the others who have commented, I believe this option of transportation is a luxury that only the upper class may consider taking. This made…[Read more]
John X. Dinh wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 10 months ago
Instagram took its next step to becoming a full-fledged commerce business a few days ago, announcing that it is bringing a checkout feature to its mobile apps. With checkout, you can store your payment […]
John X. Dinh commented on the post, We can finally use cash in stores?, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
At this point in time, I feel it is necessary and beneficial for stores to accept both payment methods. A cash-less store may drive away a decent amount of potential customers because some buyers may only have cash. Your post brought up a good point that some buyers, based on their circumstances, are not able to obtain debit or credit cards for…[Read more]
John X. Dinh commented on the post, "Flexing" in Apple AirPods, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
Great title! It is no surprise that when social media meets a product, potential sales may multiple by two or three-fold. in addition, the memes gaining peak popularity during Christmas season was an added cherry to the company. I believe the Apple Airpods will be around for a long time. The price differentiation compared to other brands screams…[Read more]
John X. Dinh commented on the post, Smartphone shipments are down, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
It is clear to me that innovation in the smartphone industry has decreased in the last 3 years or so. Yes, every new phone, iPhones especially, is better than its early model, but there hasn’t been any new neck breaking features. Also some older phones nowadays seem to be keeping up to speed than before. Perhaps that is one aiding factor to why…[Read more]
John X. Dinh wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 11 months ago
This week, Seattle-based startup Xnor unveiled a prototype AI camera that runs entirely off solar power — no battery or external power source required. The camera has a piddling 320 x 320 resolution, an FPGA chi […]
What really caught my eye in this post is the question about the “always watching” narrative. I previously covered something similar on this blog. This post had to do with Google “always listening” and a device that keeps your Google Home from constantly listening to you. My point is that everything is already listening to you, and it is probably not the FBI. It’s companies like Google that want to sell you things. These solar powered cameras could be the next step. They can see what you wear and what you do, and figure out even more things to sell you. I feel like years ago I would sound crazy saying this, but it’s becoming more and more accepted.
John X. Dinh wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 11 months ago
Citymapper, a transit app, announced a prepaid card called Citymapper Pass for users based in London. This new product is both a subscription service to aggregate all your transportation subscriptions and a […]
I was kind of surprised that TFL didn’t make more out of the Oyster Card system like Suica and Octopus in Tokyo and Hong Kong respectively… UK is strong a banking nation. Also using Apple Pay is a mess… if you don’t tap in and out on the same device you are charged a penalty fare and you’re charged twice… not sure why that didn’t create an Oyster charge card and allowed users to add that to Apple Pay so it would simplify multidevice support, this will interm allow commuters to buy yearly discounted tickets and use any money on the account to purchase items in convenience stores or vending machines.
You mention a good point of dock-less bikes and electric scooters becoming compatible with this app. When I went to Washington D.C. a couple weeks ago, I was able to see tourists riding more electronic scooters than bikes, including my own self. I do like the idea of aggregating all of my subway or transit cards into one application or card where it is centrally located. I wonder if this will extend internationally, such as airplanes or transcontinental trains?
John X. Dinh commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, September 29, on the site 6 years ago
Watching Steve Jobs first iPhone launch video in class was truly captivating. Jobs was a master at presenting and there’s many things that we can learn from him. It almost seems like he works backward when formulating his presentation. He know exactly what the audience need and he delivers it. One of the many things that Jobs’ presentations was…[Read more]
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That’s pretty interesting that Instagram/facebook is trying to establish itself as an e-commerce company. It makes sense that instagram would implement this feature since there are millions of users on instagram that both market, model, and purchase fashion items from various brands. Eventually, I am sure technology companies will start to allow customers to purchase their products this way (Dell, Apple).
This move to commerce shadows a Chinese company called Tencent. Tencent developed an application called “WeChat” that is a mashup of various features – social media, commerce, booking appointments, etc. So it looks like Facebook is trying to develop a similar solution with its applications.
I think adding this component in the Instagram app is a great idea! One click checkout is very convenient and I think adding this feature will make shopping much more easier and convenient. I think it would be cool if some influencer and department store pages gave the customer direct links to the piece of clothing or jewelry that was being advertised. That way the customer could see the price and buy it right away if it was available. In terms of privacy, I do see some concerns here. Keeping credit card numbers stored on a social media app does have risks, especially because they are not as protected and previous instances have shown that social media sites are not the most secure.
I think this is a great strategy for Instagram. They already have a platform with tons of influencers promoting products and actual ads promoting products so it makes sense to make purchases easier. The only issue I can see is that if Instagram eventually becomes too commercialized and rather than a social media platform it becomes a market place for big companies and also individuals. I think its still a good strategic move for Instagram and will prove to create more ad revenue. I think Instagram is looking at its platform with the idea of systems thinking in mind and starting to make its platform more seamless and making one big system rather than just taking you to a third party site to buy the goods.
I think this is an interesting move for Instagram. As they are part of the same company, they have recently mastered the e-commerce aspect of tech with the FB Marketplace. I think this is a good move considering Instagram’s main audience is young adults, and many fashion related pages are very popular on the site. This could be great for the sellers to be able to post products and have customers be able to purchase so easily. Young adults are also the most likely to adopt a newer technology like this, so that is their bests chance for success.