Leeya Yacob Ressom wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 7 years, 10 months ago
A good CEO is typically known as an individual that not only has the ability to critically think, but the ability to think integratively. The founder of the Four Seasons hotel, Issy Sharp, created the Four […]
Leeya Yacob Ressom posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
The Apple watch I believe is one of the less favorited Apple products from consumers. I expected a product like the Apple watch to completely shake up the watch industry. I read an article explaining a few reasons as to why this innovation is slowly failing.
1. The Apple watch is too costly. Many consumer’s willingness to pay is not at the…[Read more]
Leeya Yacob Ressom commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 9, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
My last slide deck focused on disruptive innovations in healthcare and I do believe these innovations will completely alter the healthcare industry we know today. The healthcare industry needs to prepare and develop strategies to adjust to these upcoming changes. There will be a transition from patients paying for a service to paying for a device…[Read more]
Leeya Yacob Ressom posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
It is my first time hearing about the cable subscription Youtube may be providing in the future and I definitely believe that this can cause a disruption in how we view television. In early November, I decided to downgrade my Comcast service to Internet only. I found myself paying a high cable/internet bill when I was spending a majority of my…[Read more]
Leeya Yacob Ressom commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
I image the Business Analyst position to be safe from automated Intelligence headcount reduction. As a BA, we provide solutions to issues that companies have whether it be AI or cloud computing services. That role will still be needed for companies to determine the outcome of their companies. AI would most likely take jobs from individuals who…[Read more]
Leeya Yacob Ressom commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
In my previous experience as a Big Data Research Assistant, I can confidently state that Big data analytics has proven to successfully automate business processes in many organizations. I worked on a project about Pandora’s big data intelligence and saw the impact the data had on the company’s personalized customer service process. Pandora has a…[Read more]
Leeya Yacob Ressom commented on the post, Happy Birthday SNL // the typists from the Carol Burnett show, on the site 7 years, 11 months ago
During my summer internship at Comcast NBCUniversal, we used a more “rigid-style” content management systems called MAX and EDDIE to help manage content for Video On Demand on all platforms. This allowed me to program our promoted collections, update new shows/music/movies and program content ahead of time for special events/programs. This…[Read more]
Leeya Yacob Ressom wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 7 years, 11 months ago
Many universities such as Stanford University and University of Massachusetts-Amherst experienced the “less spoken” aspects of ERP implementation – the failures.
During the start of the fall semester, UMass […]-
It seems strange for an enterprise as large as a major university to have a single go-live day for a major ERP system. Due to the scope that an ERP entails, phased implementation makes a lot more sense. For instance, have a select group of students use the new system. The reason these universities might have done the implementation the way that they did was to reduce cost.
I’m surprised they had the go-live date so close to the beginning of classes. Was this the first time the system had experienced full stress? I agree with Michael — having a singular class or group test it on a smaller scale first would give the team a sense of how well the system runs under pressure. I think not having a back-up plan was the real killer here, however — the failure would not have been so catastrophic if there had been another, well-versed system to pick up where the failed ERP left off.
Leeya Yacob Ressom wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 8 years ago
How much easier would your high school experience been if you were provided with individualized, sufficient and valuable opportunities to succeed?
The non-profit organization, New Visions for Public Schools, […] -
Leeya Yacob Ressom joined the group MIS 4596 Spring 2017 – Mandviwalla 8 years ago
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Leeya Yacob Ressom's profile was updated 8 years, 8 months ago
Aaron Moshe Slotnick and
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Leeya Yacob Ressom changed their profile picture 9 years, 5 months ago
Leeya Yacob Ressom changed their profile picture 9 years, 5 months ago
Leeya Yacob Ressom wrote a new post on the site Leeya Ressom 9 years, 10 months ago
Leeya Ressom
Year: Senior
Major: Management Information Systems
Anticipated Graduation: May 2017
Cumulative GPA: 3.51About
Thanks for looking at my e-portfolio! I am originally from West Orange, […]
I think Meg Whitman, previously the CEO of ebay, could be classified as an integrative thinker. When she was first brought on as CEO for the company, she used salience to determine all of the variables relevant to transforming ebay into a major e-commerce corporation. This led her to splitting the company into 23 business categories, which then had thousands of subcategories. I think this goes to show that she wasn’t affraid of the complexity that comes with integrative thinking. I believe she also used causality to dertermine the multidirectional relationships between variables when creating the different subcategories. Her success as CEO shows when considering the fact that she started with about 30 employees to perform all processes across the company, yet by the time she stepped down, the company had grown to over 15,000.