Nik Fuchs's profile was updated 2 years, 6 months ago
Nik Fuchs changed their profile picture 2 years, 6 months ago
Nik Fuchs commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, March 1, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
I do not think the user experience will be entirely improved or impaired for Instagram users because there are multiple types of users for the app. The experience will improve for those looking to buy or sell products on the app, but will most likely worsen for those who just want to view and post content with minimal ad interruption. Personally,…[Read more]
Nik Fuchs commented on the post, Progress Report for Week Ending, February 16, on the site 5 years, 10 months ago
Michael Sorokach IV, I like this post. Keep up the good work!
Reading this post I was unsure of whose side I was on: On one hand, I agree with Bill Gates that AI will be a tremendous asset for improving society. But on the other hand, I agree with Elon Musk that AI will have the potential to destroy humankind as we know it.
After doing some…[
Nik Fuchs wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 11 months ago
Nik Fuchs
Amid the Armageddon-like Mumps outbreak currently wreaking havoc on Temple’s main campus, comes the discussion of the anti-vaccine movement. More specifically, the extent to which disinformation on […]-
From a business perspective, the question is less of whether they “ought to” than whether they “can afford not to”. As social media exists in a social and political context, if enough users call for such an action, and if governments put pressure on a company to do so, the company faces greater lost in not responding than they do by standing idle.
The article mentioned something crucial though: the anti-vaccine empire is much larger outside social media. Stamping out content on Social may not do much. While I do believe it can protect a lot of currently ambivalent people (on the matter of vaccine ) from getting lured by misinformation, I sometimes think that social media is a good tool to understand how these movement forms and develops, and it allows people to deconstruct bad arguments where they happen. With our lack of data, it is difficult to know which path to take.
Walter Hodge
Nik interesting post, I agree with Linh, for any profit driven organization whether the choice is made sincerely or through outside pressure they’re taking a stance on the subject in debate. I’m naïve enough to think that the three companies mentioned do their very best to minimize disinformation. Although I’m a proponent of vaccines, it’s not hard to imagine how some conspiracy theories are believed. The article on “8 Common Arguments Against Vaccines” https://medium.com/the-method/8-common-arguments-against-vaccines-5d45ad9c1e29 helps and provides some data on a few crucial concerns. However, I like to look at it from an anti-vaxxers perspective as well, big pharma, in addition to our medical system is out of control with cost rising compared to other countries. The more dependent we are on vaccines the easier it’ll be for them to increase cost and develop new variants. Basically, “treating diseases is far more profitable than curing them.”
I don’t think they have an ethical obligation to minimize the disinformation for users. I believe that it is a smart business decision though. At a low cast these platforms can spread a lot of information to their users. The articles they post and share is key because they want to make sure that every party, pro-vax and non-vax will not be offended and ultimately take users off their site. To do this they will need to review scholarly articles to ensure that they have enough data and evidence to back claims up.
Splendid article Nik, very interesting stuff. I’m pleased to see that you’ve changed your stance on the anti-vax movement after seeing the damage it has caused at Temple University. While I believe working to curb the spread of dangerous conspiracy theories is a good thing, I don’t believe companies have any ethical obligation to do so. At a certain point, personal responsibility needs to take over and people need to be able to think critically enough to understand what is and isn’t true. With that being said, I personally support tech companies for attempting to limit the spread of disinformation, because while many of these conspiracy theorists get their information from alternative sources, reducing the audience that is exposed to those theories can only be a good thing. As for the business side of things, I see it as a good move from a image standpoint. If I was running an online platform, I certainly wouldn’t want my platform to be known as the place for conspiracy theorists to go.
This is an interesting take on a dilemma that social platforms have to deal with. I think it’s not an easy decision as giant platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, etc. are intertwined deeply in our society and their userbase is the mainstream population so it will be damaging for their brands to receive the backlash from not removing anti-vaccine content. However, freedom of speech should be allowed. I think at the end of the day, these companies will do what’s best for their business and their brand.
Nik Fuchs commented on the post, Disney Investing Further into VR Entertainment, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I do think VR has the potential to be the next breakthrough technology, but I believe it’s too early in the development timeline of the technology for widespread use. Other than a few big-name players, companies have not yet invested in providing quality VR content to their consumers, which has caused a stagnant demand for the technology. Until…[Read more]
Nik Fuchs commented on the post, Self-Driving Cars Might Kill Auto Insurance as We Know It, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
Hello, Michael. Excellent post. I can see that you are truly passionate about auto insurance and intoxicated computers.
Although I agree that insurance providers will have to change some policies to account for the lack of human drivers, I do not think this alteration will be detrimental to the insurance industry. Whether or not humans are…[Read more] -
Nik Fuchs commented on the post, Apple: You can't sue us for slowing down your iPhones because you said we can, on the site 5 years, 11 months ago
I remember the public backlash from iPhone users when their devices began slowing down after downloading an IOS update, but I had no idea the justification for Apple doing so was hidden in the license agreement. This is highly unethical on Apple’s part. The fact that Apple justified these actions in the license agreements is a slap in the face to…[Read more]
Nik Fuchs wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 5 years, 11 months ago
Nik Fuchs
A recent article from Fortune Magazine highlighted a new, ground-breaking use for the Amazon Echo. The increasingly popular smart-home device now has a new purpose in the healthcare industry, […]
Hello Nikolaus, great post. Really innovative stuff. Wow. Good stuff. Wow. Some of the things hospitals may need to consider is exactly how accurate the voice recognition software on these smart devices are. If a patient is suffering from a condition that would lower and/or alter their voice, the hospital would not want to tell them to go to Alexa for their needs, only to find that it’s not working. However, assuming they perform strong error checking, I believe it would be a fantastic investment for health care providers to make. Another technology certain hospitals may want to implement is the Oculus Rift, or other VR devices, as they have been shown to be beneficial for rehabilitative purposes. Wow.
I can see a lot of value with hospitals being able to implement Alexa. If Alexa can be implemented with more hospitals, I can imagine this saving a lot of time for nurses and doctors. My only concern would be that Alexa is constantly listening and collecting data. With technology constantly growing this can open Alexa with many vulnerabilities in the future. I can imagine hackers being able to grab voice audio of PHI data, which will be a big vulnerability.
This is a great application of voice-enabled technology! However, I also agree with Davis that hospital IT department has a lot to think about the cyber risks that this implementation poses: a lack of encryption, lacking evidence capture and forensic logging capabilities, etc. As the advent of smart devices in the medical field is inevitable, hospitals can strengthen their security by requiring authentication, strong encryption, etc.
Nik Fuchs wrote a new post on the site Information Systems Integration 6 years ago
Poker is a game that requires complex decision-making in order to be successful. Should I play this hand? How much should I bet? Can I call my opponent’s bluff? In the Ted Talk linked below, Liv Boeree applies […]
Nik Fuchs commented on the post, ICE 5.1 Telling a Story through Visualization, on the site 6 years ago
Based on the video of the iPhone launch we watched in class, I believe Steve Jobs had very strong presentation skills. He was noticeably passionate about Apple’s products and knew exactly what the audience wanted to know and the most effective way to relay that information. His calm demeanor while presenting helped draw the audience in and keep…[Read more]
Nik Fuchs wrote a new post on the site Guru Group 6 years, 4 months ago
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as […]
Nik Fuchs wrote a new post on the site Guru Group 6 years, 4 months ago
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as […]
Nik Fuchs wrote a new post on the site Guru Group 6 years, 4 months ago
This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as […]
Nik Fuchs's profile was updated 6 years, 5 months ago
Nik Fuchs's profile was updated 7 years, 3 months ago
Nik Fuchs changed their profile picture 7 years, 4 months ago
Nik Fuchs changed their profile picture 7 years, 9 months ago
Nik Fuchs's profile was updated 7 years, 9 months ago
Nik Fuchs created the site Nikolaus G. Fuchs 7 years, 11 months ago